Is Britney Spears Getting Booted From 'X Factor?'

Is Britney Spears Getting Booted From 'X Factor?' It seems like everyone’s either jumping ship for the upcoming season of “X Factor,” or getting pushed off the side of the boat whether they like it or not.

L.A. Reid has already announced that he will not be returning, while Demi Lovato teased fans with tweets that made it sound as if she would not be coming back.

Is Britney Spears the latest on the chopping block? News comes in following the season 2 finale that Spears may not be invited back.

An insider for the show says, “Britney will get the boot. Producers wanted her for the long haul, but it just isn’t working.”

What’s the reasoning? Simon Cowell “wanted crazy Britney, but he got boring Britney.”

Spears gets a reported $15 million for her lackluster performance as a judge.

“They paid all that for her to say ‘amazing’ and offer half claps,” says another insider.

Cowell, however, is insisting that nothing has been decided. "I don't know yet, to be honest with you. I haven't had the conversation with her whether she'd want to, what other commitments she's got,” the tight t-shirt loving judge has said.

A Fox spokesperson added, “No one has discussed next years’ judging panel yet; any reports otherwise are complete speculation.”

So what will become of the show with judges coming in and out for such short appearances?

Will “X Factor” finally have to put more of the focus on the performances, and less on who has the biggest name at the judges table?