BREAKING: Steven Tyler Quits 'American Idol'

BREAKING: Steven Tyler Quits 'American Idol' Earlier this morning, Jennifer Lopez started her usual hemming and hawing about whether or not she will return for another season of "American Idol." Just hours later, Steven Tyler made a much more definitive decision: he's out!

According to E!, Tyler has officially announced—and FOX has confirmed—that he will not be returning for another season at the judges' table on "American Idol." The Aerosmith frontman joined the vocal competition show along with Lopez in season 10, after Simon Cowell departed. Tyler served as a judge and provided colorful (and sometimes off-color) commentary during seasons 10 and 11.

Tyler's official statement is as follows:

"After some long...hard...thoughts…I've decided it's time for me to let go of my mistress American Idol before she boils my rabbit. I strayed from my first love, Aerosmith, and I'm back—but instead of begging on my hands and knees, I've got two fists in the air and I'm kicking the door open with my band. The next few years are going to be dedicated to kicking some serious ass—the ultimate in auditory takeover. On Nov. 6, we are unleashing our new album, Music from Another Dimension on the Earth, Moon, Mars, and way beyond the stars…Idol was over-the-top fun, and I loved every minute of it…Now it's time to bring Rock Back. ERMAHGERD."

A few thoughts: one, that statement could not be any more Steven-Tyler-esque. Two, I'm surprised that Tyler is hip/aware enough to be up with relatively recent Internet lingo like "ermahgerd." Three, what does this mean for the judges' table next season?

It looks as though one of the many names that have been tossed about as a potential new judge (which include everyone from Katy Perry to Charlie Sheen) could actually become a judge now. Potentially, there could be more: Lopez is expensive (her last contract was $20 million) and Randy Jackson hasn't re-signed yet either, and you have to wonder if "Idol" will go the "X Factor" route and try to find some Demi Lovato types (i.e. young, popular with their demographic and not very expensive) to fill in the blanks. Adam Lambert is starting to seem like a very viable option.

What do you think, "Idol" fans? Will you miss Stephen's craziness at the judges' table?