Breaking Dawn - The Fourth Film in the Twilight Saga - Begins Filming in Rio

On a warm day in November, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart were photographed sharing a lingering, sexy kiss.  Is this finally confirmation for all those Robsten fans out there who insist that the couple should just “come clean” about their relationship?  No.  It isn’t.

The couple remain as protective of their right to privacy as ever.  As it turns out the cameras were not catching a glimpse of Rob and Kristen, they were watching Edward and Bella give each other a kiss while on their honeymoon.  That’s right, Twi-hards!  Filming on Breaking Dawn, the last instalment of the incredibly popular Twilight series, has begun.

Shooting in Rio de Janero began last week.  As with the last book of the Harry Potter series, producers of the Twilight franchise have decided to break the final 500 plus page book, into two movies.  The first is due in theatres on November 18, 2011 with the second movie hitting multiplexes on November 16, 2012.

The first three movies in the franchise have grossed a total of $789,915,488 domestically and $1,792,300,241 globally.  Each successive movie has drawn a bigger audience and been more profitable than the last.  The reviews have continued to grow in favor as well, since the first critically panned movie.  It remains to be seen whether these final two movies will continue the trend of improvement.

For die-hard fans; though, what critics say really doesn’t matter – they are already counting down the days on their Team Edward (or Team Jacob) Calendars.