'Breaking Bad': Watch a Supercut of Mike's Best Moments

'Breaking Bad': Watch a Supercut of Mike's Best Moments SPOILER ALERT! If you haven't seen the recent episode of "Breaking Bad," go watch it and come back later.

On last night's episode of "Breaking Bad," we said goodbye to perhaps the best character in all four and a half seasons of the show. And despite the fact that "Breaking Bad" has worked diligently to desensitize us to murder over its run, this particular death was just downright sad.

Mike's death had layer upon layer of tragedy to it: the most obvious was the fact that it was a crime of passion for Walt, who himself said that "all of this could have been avoided." But we also saw Mike have to abandon his granddaughter at the playground, which echoes Lydia's pleading earlier in the season that her daughter not be left thinking that she abandoned her.

And then there was the way the scene was shot, which was, in a word, breathtaking.

As is the case with everyone on this show, Mike was not a moral character. And yet, perhaps because of Jonathan Banks' incredible performance, we were willing to forgive Mike for his trespasses almost as much as we forgive Jesse for his.

Maybe that's because Mike simply had some of the best lines of the series, as evidenced in this supercut from Vulture. It doesn't include anything from the past couple of weeks, but it does include Mike playing Hungry Hungry Hippos, and his brilliant line about Miller Time.

Check out the video below: