'Breaking Bad' Season 4 Finale: Watch a Spoiler-Free Preview Clip (VIDEO)

'Breaking Bad' Season 4 Finale: Watch a Spoiler-Free Preview Clip (VIDEO) For nearly four seasons now, we've watched as Walt made a series of decisions (most of them bad ones) that were bound to have dire consequences. Those consequences finally hit a few weeks ago, and Walt's in some serious danger. Guess he's not the danger like he said he was after all, eh?

This Sunday marks the final episode of season four, and considering recent events and the title of the episode ("Face Off"), it's bound to be pretty intense. Will Walt dig his way out of this predicament? Will his life be forever changed? Or will we have to wait for season five to find out the results of whatever new plan he has cooked up?

This preview clip doesn't reveal any of those answers, but it does feature a really funny scene between Walt and Saul's assistant (affectionately referred to by Saul as HT or "Honey Tits") as Walt tries to track down Saul for help. Dude, remember when you told him what was happening? Of course he skipped town!

Check out the preview of "Breaking Bad" season 4, episode 13 "Face Off" below: