'Breaking Bad' Season 4, Episode 2 Recap - 'Thirty-Eight Snub'

'Breaking Bad' Season 4, Episode 2 Recap - 'Thirty-Eight Snub' Odd episode title, right? We get an explanation for the name "Thirty-Eight Snub" during the cold open, as Walt converses with a shady arms dealer in a seedy motel room. Walt is eyeing a .38 snub revolver with the serial number filed off for "self-defense" purposes. But we know that he's planning to go on the offensive. And though we're nervous, we're pretty excited about that, right?

Skyler is getting pushy too, and planning her own offensive on the car wash, which has yet to be purchased. After some thorough analysis that could only come from an accountant, Skyler approaches Walt's former boss with an offer to buy the place for almost $900,000. But Mr. Eyebrows remembers Walt, and says that for him or anyone speaking for him, the asking price is $20 million. Looks like the Whites are going to need a new front.

But while the Whites are moving forward, everyone else seems to be treading water or regressing. Hank is growing even more obsessed with his minerals, and Marie is growing even more exasperated. Hank's positivity isn't a problem when he's in the middle of his physical therapy sessions, but when he's alone with Marie his mood plummets. Can you blame him?

Jesse is even worse off, as he appears to have completely lost it. He bought himself a ridiculous audio system (and a Roomba, which provides a hilarious Badger line: "Did that just happen?") for a three-day party. He practically forces everyone to keep the party going, and the moment that everyone leaves and he punishes himself by sitting in front of the blaring speaker is heartbreaking.

Walter's mission is rocky at first, when a new hired goon shows up to the lab instead of Gus and Mike informs Walt that he won't be seeing Gus any more. But wait! Walt had dinner at Gus' house! A late-night arrival and the Heisenberg hat set up a thrilling confrontation, but Walt gets halfway to Gus' door when his cell phone rings and Gus speaks from the other end: "Go home, Walter."

Now that's a badass.

It seemed as though Mike was having second thoughts about everything, though, so Walt makes one final move: follow Mike to the bar and plead with him there. "Just get me in a room with him," Walter requests, "and I'll take care of the rest."

Mike socks Walt in the face and gives him a couple of kicks while he's down for good measure. Is Mike still loyal to Gus, or is this payback for Walt mucking everything up? After all, Mike seemed to be in a much better spot before Walt came along. We'll have to see if we get an agreement between Team Bald Guys later on...for now, it's not happening.