'Dancing With The Stars' Contestant Chaz Bono: What's the Big Fuss?

'Dancing With The Stars' Contestant Chaz Bono: What's the Big Fuss? Well, we'd about heard everybody who could spout off about Chaz Bono being the first transgender "Dancing with the Stars" contestant when the show's 13th season premieres just a little later this fall.

By process of elimination, I suppose we had to hear from Bono himself eventually about all the furor..

"Why the big fuss?" asked Bono yesterday on "Good Morning America," telling host George Stephanopoulos that "it's just crazy."

Fans of the show and some right-wing groups alike have attacked Bono's inclusion, claiming that it publicly shoves a pro-transgender message down some fans' throats. It's not unlike the public backlash that Bristol Palin received for competing, largely because of her mother - former Alask Governor and Vice Presidential hopeful, and possible 2012 Presidential candidate Sarah Palin - and her far-right politics.

In contrast, openly gay contestant Carson Kressley, who stepped in for injured prospective contestant Ryan O'Neal, has received barely a mention for his lifestyle.

For his part, Bono just doesn't get the fuss. It's just a dance competition, he said. He's enjoyed the vocal support of pro partner Lacey Schwimmer and the show's executive producers.

Bono also made minor headlines this week when word leaked that he approached producers about sprucing up the contestants and pros' dietary options. He's believed to have already lost five pounds during rehearsals alone, but feels that the options of candy, chips, granola and protein bars will sabotage his diet.

This is in contrast to fellow contestant Rob Kardashian, who's talked all kinds of smack about lasting longer than the three weeks his more famous sister Kim lasted during her stint but has reportedly pissed off pro partner Cheryl Burke by practicing no more than two hours at a clip compared with other contestants' five-hour practices, and admittedly being very overweight.

Watch Chaz Bono's "Good Morning America" interview: