'Bones' Season 8, Episode 20: 'The Blood from the Stones' Recap

'Bones'  Season 8, Episode 20: 'The Blood from the Stones' RecapBones”, season 8, episode 20, “The Blood from the Stones”

Dr. Saroyan, Booth, and Bones are on the scene of the latest crime. Bones is very excited about their latest victim, as his body indicates he decomposed in two different microclimates, and it’s something she’s only read about in books. Dr. Saroyan determines the death to be a murder. Booth checks the back of the SUV and finds an old shotgun, which Booth believes to have killed the victim.

In the lab, Dr. Saroyan brings in a gust, Andrew Jursic, who was commissioned to make a film for the Jeffersonian. Bones doesn’t like the idea of it, but Hodgins and Dr. Saroyan ham it up for the camera.

Dr. Saroyan cuts open the abdomen and finds a condom and balloon filled with diamonds inside his abdominal cavity. They discovered a motive for murder.

Dr. Saroyan tries to rehydrate the victim’s dried facial tissue so Angela can complete a facial sketch. Hodgins reveals that the diamonds were stolen, and were all pried from various fittings. As they talk, the face begins to rehydrate.

Caroline informs Booth that the vehicle the victim was found in was reported stolen. Booth says that the victim was Quentin Coles and that he worked as a security guard at a jewelry shop. She sends Booth to question Oscar Schultz, owner of the shop.

At the shop, Oscar isn’t too forth coming with information, scared to admit that Quentin worked for him. Booth dumps the discovered diamonds on his counter, and Oscar says he never thought he’d see them again and that he has to call the cops and report it. Booth calls for him, and learns that Quentin was actually an undercover cop.

Booth and Caroline talk to Joe Dinco, and he reveals that Quentin’s real name was Reuben Martin, and they were working on a sting of ATM robberies. Dinco suspects that Reuben was murdered by a thief. Booth asks about the diamonds in his stomach, and Dinco insists that Reuben was clean.

Booth and the team determine that Reuben was shot with two different guns, but the fatal shot happened in a location where peregrine falcons nest. They determine it to be under a bridge in Washington D.C.

Booth and Sweets talk to Reuben’s wife, and she blames Dinco for her husband’s death. She says she never got to spend time with her husband because Dinco was always assigning him to new undercover jobs, and that it doesn’t matter who actually killed him, it was Dinco’s fault he was dead.

Booth and Bones go to the bridge and looks for the bullet marks. Bones finds a severed foot in a bush after they frighten a few of the falcons.

In the lab, Bones determines the foot belongs to a Caucasian female in her 20s. Dr. Saroyan finds buckshot in the foot, and believes the foot was shot off by the shotgun found in Reuben’s truck. And they believe the woman is still alive.

Angela pulls up footage from the ATM robberies and she is able to trace the robberies back to two college students majoring in cybercriminology. Marcos Herrera and Paula Byrne. The thieves supposedly uploaded a virus into the ATM mainframes that would trigger them to spit out money when triggered by a special card. Caroline obtains a warrant.

Bones and Booth drop by the house of the students, but Bones smells putrefaction when they get there. This causes Booth to bust open the door. Inside, they find Paula Byrne lying in bed, missing a foot, very ill. Booth calls for an ambulance, but no sign of Marcos.

When the EMTs pick her up, Booth refuses to let them take her until she tells where Marcos is. She doesn’t know, so he makes her say what happened at the bridge. They met with Reuben to trade their stolen cash for diamonds, and that things went down, and Reuben shot her foot off.

In the lab, they determine that the gunshot wounds in the victim were caused by police-issued gun. Caroline believes it’s from Dinco.

Booth and Bones figure that Reuben was shot close range, and by someone he trusts. They get a call saying that Marcos was spotted in a parking garage, and that Dinco was also told. They get there and find Dinco attacking Marcus, telling him to keep his mouth shut.

Booth brings Dinco in for questioning and denies any involvement. He says he only hurt Marcos because he killed Reuben. They inform him that he’s in custody, so he requests a lawyer.

In the lab, they find that there is unburned gunpowder on the bones around the gunshot wound.

Booth takes his turn with Marcos, who says that a man with a shotgun took the money. Marcos is surprised to learn that Reuben was an officer. He says he didn’t kill him, and that they were thieves and not killers.

In the lab, Hodgins finds gunpowder, alcohol, and leather in the wound.

In questioning, Booth confront’s Reuben’s wife with the murder weapon and stolen cash that was found in her house. Booth says that she shot her husband through her purse, and broke her bottle of perfume in the process. She killed him because she was tired of him, but she wanted the money and diamonds.