'Bones' Season 8, Episode 13: 'The Twist in the Plot' Recap

'Bones'  Season 8, Episode 13: 'The Twist in the Plot' Recap A group of people is traveling through the woods on their Segways, when one falls off, landing face-first in the dirt. When she sits up, her face is covered with beetles. The man with her notices the beetles are coming from a corpse, half-exposed in the ground.

Booth and Bones tease Sweets about Daisy working in the lab once again. They do not think he has ever gotten over her, and he uses that as an excuse as to why he has not moved out yet. Just in case he can win her back.

Booth and the team are called to the scene. Bones initially finds the remains to be female, Caucasian, early 30s. They surmise that she was killed elsewhere and carried there, dumped in the shallow grave. But as they dig around the body, they quickly discover another body.

They find that the first body was staged and arranged, anointed with various oils before burial. Booth found that the body was that of Monica Craig, who died of lung cancer. She had a green burial by a company that leased the land. However, that does not account for the second body.

Sweets interviews Dr. Craig, Monica’s husband, informing him that her grave had been desecrated, but that they also found another body in her grave. He is upset that they removed her remains, as it was against her wishes. Sweets showed him a facial reconstruction of the second body, and Dr. Craig recognizes the woman as Rachel Knox, his wife’s death doula (a “death consultant”). “They were very close.”

Booth and Bones visit Akshay Mirza, the director of Green Pastures, hoping to get more information about Rachel. He cries, explaining that, despite being around death all the time, he has never had someone close to him die. Rachel Knox was his business partner, and a close friend. Despite missing for 3 weeks, he did not find it weird. “Rachel disappeared all the time. It’s who she was,” so no one ever thought to report her missing.

In the lab, Daisy reveals to Hodgins that work will not be awkward between her and Sweets because she will focus on the work, just like Bones.

Sweets and Booth turn their attention on Mick Warren, a rival funeral home owner who has started three lawsuits against Rachel, hoping to force her out of business. Rachel reneged on various contracts that would have given Mick access to the lands of Green Pastures. He missed out on a fortune. “I wanted to wipe her out… in court,” he defends. He says she only reneged because she started sleeping with Mr. Mirza.

Sweets and Daisy have an awkward run-in in the lab. Sweets tries to get personal, however Daisy focuses on the case. He tells her that they can still talk about personal things. They share a touching moment, and part ways, opening the door for future communications.

Booth and Bones pay Mr. Miraz another visit, and he claims he broke up with Rachel nearly a year ago. Seven months, according to Bones, which is when she suffered a blow to the face. He reveals he didn’t do it; she was a tantric sex master, and during one of their sessions, he tired quickly, and slipped, accidentally elbowing her in the face. He then points out that she has a rule, where she won’t stay with one man for more than three months.

In the lab, Daisy tells Dr. Saroyan she does not think Monica Craig’s cancer was advanced enough to kill her. So they fear they no longer have a cause of death, and that she’s another victim.

Angela shows Bones the impression of the object that caused the fatal blow to Rachel. She matched the shape to various indigenous weapons. Hodgins narrows it down, as he found traces of diamond and cutting oil, to a stone burial marker, which happened to be made by Mr. Miraz.

Booth and Bones pay him another visit, and inform him that the burial marker used to kill Rachel was being sent in for DNA analysis. He does not like the implications, and tells them that he is going to lawyer up.

In the lab, Hodgins ponders on the cancer revelation. He shares with Dr. Saroyan that some of the beetles appear obese, “which is entomologically impossible. Beetles have protein receptors that prevent them from overeating, but something interfered with that.” It could be a clue to solve how she died.

In the diner, Sweets admits to Daisy that he missed her. She reciprocates the feelings. But she says she’s been seeing someone. They agree it was a mistake, and that they do not belong together. Sweets gets called away, but they agree the “mature coffee” get-togethers are good for them.

Sweets meets up with Dr. Craig again, asking questions about Rachel and Mr. Miraz, and their relationship. Dr. Craig points out that Mr. Miraz “tried to seem spiritual like Rachel”, but he wasn’t convinced. Rachel was supportive towards Monica as she was nearing her end, but Mr. Miraz seemed to want to rush things along and move on to the next client. He believes Rachel deserved better than Mr. Miraz.

Hodgins discovers that something toxic caused the beetles to binge eat. Bath salts, though it is odd that a cancer patient would be using recreational drugs. They could test Monica’s bone marrow for lethal levels of it to confirm that is what killed her.

Sweets confronts Dr. Craig about the bath salts, points out that he used the bath salts to treat depression. Dr. Craig admits that Monica begged him to put her out of her misery. He didn’t help her to kill herself, but he didn’t stop her from killing herself. Sweets lets him go. He’s off the hook.

Sweets and Booth go over Dr. Craig’s phone records and discover he must have been having an affair with Rachel, as the phone calls (several calls per day) last exactly three months. Booth brings Dr. Craig back in for questioning. He admits to it, and that she dumped him two days before Monica committed suicide. When Monica died and he went to bury her, Rachel showed up to help, but he lost his cool and killed her with the burial marker.

Dr. Saroyan finds Daisy crying in the lab, over Sweets. She expresses regret over leaving him. Dr. Saroyan tells her it is okay to grieve, because she lost something special, but she has to keep moving forward.

Booth sits down to record a video will for his daughter, expressing his feelings, and Bones listens from a distance.