'Bob's Burgers' Season 3, Episode 19: 'Family Fracas' Recap

'Bob's Burgers'  Season 3, Episode 19: 'Family Fracas' Recap “Bob’s Burgers”, season 3, episode 19, “Family Fracas”

The family heads to the movie theater, but the car won’t start. After getting it started, it breaks down at an intersection, so they abandon it and walk. They pick up a flyer to attend the taping of a family game show, but end up taking part in it. The winning family has a chance at a new minivan.

Tine and Gene are tasked with filling a brain with lost marbles. Tina mistakes one of the competitors’ accidentally touching her with him flirting, so she stands there monologuing, causing them to lose.

 Linda and Louise must fish the flies out of giant bowls of soup. They win.

The last game is the whole family. Bob gets dipped into a giant ball pit and must grab a yellow ball with his teeth. He does, and his family is declared victorious.

They must spin the prize wheel, and they end up winning some take-home foam rather than a minivan. They also learn that they must go back the next night.

Cut towards the end of the game, and the families are tied once again. It comes down to Bob, and he wins again. Louise spins the prize wheel, and they win yet another bucket of foam. And the chance to play again.

Cut to a musical montage of the family winning over and over, each time winning another bucket of foam.

The host complains to his producer about the family still being on the show, but the producer says there’s nothing they can do about it. So the host takes matters into his own hands. He brings in Bob’s rival Jimmy and his family on as the new competition.

Tina and Gene are up first and must brush giant teeth. They end up losing.

Louise and Linda are next and end up winning.

Then comes Bob’s big finish and he loses immediately to Jimmy, who gets the ball almost a millisecond after the game starts. The host takes them to the prize wheel, and they win the minivan their first spin. Bob manages to humiliate himself and his family on the air after getting pantsed.

The next day, Bob scours over the footage from the game, certain that Jimmy and the host cheated in some way. He thinks the host told Jimmy where the ball was. He vows to go to the studio and confront them. The kids remind him that his car is broken, so he walks.

In the studio, Bob talks to the producer, who dismisses Bob’s claims. He suggests that he and Jimmy and the host take up the argument on his network’s Court show, but Bob would prefer a real court with real lawyers. The producer says that costs too much, so the television court has to do. Bob accepts.

In court, Bob’s family goes up against Jimmy and the host of the show. Bob submits nothing for evidence, so the judge claims it’s a very easy ruling. They go to commercial break and Bob realizes that there would be alternate camera shots of the scene, and submits that into evidence. The judge demands to see the ceiling camera footage.

The host goes to his producer and tells him that he can’t allow the judge to see that tape. The producer agrees and destroys the taped evidence. The judge rules in favor of the host and Jimmy.