'Bob's Burgers' Season 3, Episode 18: 'It Snakes a Village' Recap

'Bob's Burgers'  Season 3, Episode 18: 'It Snakes a Village' Recap “Bob’s Burgers”, season 3, episode 18, “It Snakes a Village”

The Belcher family packs up, ready to go to Florida as their restaurant is fumigated. Bob isn’t too happy to be going to stay with Linda’s parents. Louise and the kids are excited about the pool.

They arrive and the kids immediately hit the pool, and Linda asks her parents what they can do. They all agree to go for wine tasting.

The kids get to the pool and find that it’s been drained and closed for cleaning. Louise freaks out, looking for a bucket to refill it, while Tina and Gene spit, hoping to fill it.

Now they have nothing to do, so they wander, looking for trouble. They happen upon a ‘crazy leopard lady’ Helen Kellerman, and learn about the various creatures that live in the woods around the retirement center.

At the wine tasting, Bob guzzles the wine, and Linda’s mom tries to inform her that the seniors in the senior center are very “active”. Bob realizes that the seniors there are swingers. He tells Linda who has a mild panic attack.

With the crazy leopard lady, she continues to tell the kids about a giant python in the woods. She says she is hoping to find proof of it, but she’s old. She offers the kids $100 to catch the snake on video. Tina and Louise accept, and Gene is scared.

Inside, they research pythons and tries to convince Gene to go with them. He says he’s going to stay inside and be their ‘tech guy’.

Bob and Linda wander around the community, and Bob asks which of the people were swingers, and her mom says that everyone is. Linda is disgusted, but her mom points out that her husband got cold feet, so they haven’t done anything yet.

Tina and Louise gear up for the hunt, and Gene stays behind with the crazy leopard lady. Louise thinks they could start a reality show based on hunting snakes. They head into the woods, and quickly reach the other side. They walk back, and Helen asks why they’re back already and throws melon at them.

Bob and Linda return to their kids that night, still grossed out by the swinging geriatrics. The kids say they want to camp outside in the parking lot, and Linda is eager to let them, so long as they are far away from the swingers.

Bob and Linda head into the living room to see her parents with another couple. She gets grossed out, but they people are there to inform Linda’s parents that they need to move out, due to their failure to perform.

Outside, the kids set up their tent. Helen bids them goodnight, and Gene quickly hides inside the tent, managing to knock it down and get trapped in it.

Back in the house, Linda says she’ll help her parents find somewhere else to day. Linda’s mom points out that if they get kicked out, then they forfeit their down payment, so they can’t afford to move. Linda offers to let them move in with them, much to Bob’s chagrin.

Outside, Louise and Tina head into the woods as Gene panics. They head deeper inside, and manage to lose their flashlights in the process.

In the house, Bob and Linda argue about her parents. Linda puts her foot down, and Bob says that he’ll make sure they don’t get kicked out then.

In the woods, they radio to Gene and say they’re lost. He tells them to follow the sound of his voice. They can’t, since it’s a radio. As they talk, Tina notices a “night butterfly”, which turns out to be a group of bats. They panic.

Bob tries to talk to Linda’s dad and convince him to go to the potluck dinner, and asks why he’s so hesitant. He says that the other men there are nothing by peacocks, scared he’ll never get picked and that he can’t “get into it”. Bob asks if he has any fetishes that might get him into it… He says he only has one that no one knows about. Bob urges him to tell him, and he does; he loves balloons. Watching women inflate the balloons and then sit on them and popping them.

In the woods, Tina and Louise get stuck in a mud pit and slowly sink. They radio to Gene who refuses to help. They call out for help, and Gene tries to drown out the sounds of their screaming.

Inside, Linda looks over the brochure disgusting by the thought of old people having sex. Bob talks to Linda’s mom, and tells her about her husband’s secret kink. Since she startles easily, he tells her she’ll need earplugs and something to share at the potluck.

In the woods, Tina and Louise are up to their necks in mud. Louise has Tina film her last will and testament. While she does, Gene arrives riding a golf cart and saves them. He says he didn’t want to be an only child, so that’s why he came. Tina asks for him to drive them out of there, but an alligator jumps into the golf cart and they run. They happen upon the remains of a tutu, belonging to Helen’s dog. They think that’s where the snake must come to digest it, but the dog jumps out of the bushes instead.

Inside, Linda’s parents are all ready for the potluck, which disgusts Linda even more. Bob pushes them out the door before Linda says anything. Linda demands to know what he did. He says he got his parents to go and rekindle their relationship. Linda is grossed out, but comes around when she sees her parents kissing again. Bob says he wants to try anything, and pops a balloon with his legs, asking if it does anything for her, and she says maybe.

The kids take the dog back to the crazy leopard lady, excited to show it to her. When she opens the door, she freaks out, happy the dog’s back. She kisses it and gets ready to put it in some new clothes. As she does, the dog runs back into the woods.

The next morning, they pack up and leave. The kids ask who the strangers were eating breakfast with their grandparents, and Bob and Linda try and get them to forget the whole thing. They say they’re never going back there again.

Meanwhile, the dog runs through the woods and returns to the logs where they found it. It crawls inside, and licks a sleeping python, and curls up on top of it for a nap. The screen fades to a heart.