'Bob's Burgers' Season 3, Episode 17: 'Two for Tina' Recap

'Bob's Burgers'  Season 3, Episode 17: 'Two for Tina' Recap “Bob’s Burgers”, season 3, episode 17, “Two for Tina”

Linda makes the family some sausage, but Tina doesn’t want any. She’s planning on asking Jimmy Jr., her longtime crush, to the dance, and she doesn’t want sausage sweats. Bob says it’s not a big deal, because he never went to a school dance and he turned out fine.

At school, Tina approaches Jimmy Jr. and asks him out, but he gives her a “maybe” response, since he wants to know all his options first before committing to her.

As she walks home, she spots Josh, the mysterious boy from the milk case, dancing ballet. She asks why he never called her, and he says that he put her number in his dance pants, and it got covered in sweat and unreadable. She begins to fantasize about him in dance pants, and he asks her to go with him to his school dance. She says she can’t commit, since her school dance is the same day and she had a soft maybe from a boy she asked, so he gave her his number.

In the restaurant, Linda grills Tina for the details. She says that she might be going with Jimmy Jr., but that Josh asked her as well. Bob and Linda urge Tina to go with Josh, since he’s not stringing her along and gave a solid answer, but she’s not sure, since she’s logged over 3000 fantasy relationship hours on Jimmy Jr.

Linda gets a call and tells that Bob and Linda are chaperoning the dance on Saturday, and he’s not too happy about it.

In school, Tina asks Jimmy Jr. if he made a decision, and he said she’s pressuring him, and guys don’t dig that. She says that she’ll just go with the other boy who asked her, and Jimmy Jr. immediately changed his answer to a yes. She tells him that she’s going with Josh.

After school, Josh comes to pick up Tina, and Jimmy Jr. spots him. They taunt each other, but Josh takes Tina, since they have reservations at a frozen yogurt stand. Jimmy Jr. vows to win her back.

At home, Tina revels in her newfound predicament, but Bob says she shouldn’t have crushed his spirits like that. Bob tells the story of how he got stood up for his first dance when he was 13.

At school, Jimmy Jr. works to win over Tina, but Tina sees right through it. She tells him to try again later.

Jimmy Jr. talks to Gene and Louise and asks them to help him win her over. And they will for $20. They tell Tina, and she finds it romantic.

His second attempt has him and Gene dressed as a giant horse as Louise radios them lines to say, which they horribly mess up. Then Jimmy Jr. performs a song and dance for her still in the horse costume. Josh shows up, and whisks Tina away.

At home, Louise and Gene ask why they need a babysitter, as Linda, Bob, and Tina get ready for their night out. Their rides get there, Tina getting picked up by Josh and his parents, and Linda and Bob riding in a big pink Hummer limo.

At Tina’s dance, she and Josh dance and go to share a kiss when Jimmy Jr. arrives. He declares a war, and challenges Josh to a dance-off.

Meanwhile, Linda and Bob arrive at their dance. Bob notices how attractive one of the other teachers is, and Linda gets mad.

The dance-off begins, and Jimmy Jr. goes first. He picks something rather rock-and-rolly.

Linda and Bob share their first “middle school dance”, but Bob isn’t too happy about it. He says they’re there to chaperone and not dance. Linda says that if that teacher asked him to dance, he’d probably say yes, and she storms off.

Jimmy Jr. finishes his dance, and Josh starts up. He picks something classic and pulls off some ballet moves.

Linda retreats to the girl’s bathroom and cries, talking to other female students. Bob chases her and tries to calm her down, but he realizes that she’s just faking it, and giving him some middle school drama. Then she gives him some Schnapps.

Josh finishes his dance, bringing everyone to tears. Jimmy Jr. says it’s not over, and they begin a lightning round, which turns into a slapping fest. Tina stops them and says someone will get hurt. She says she can’t choose between them, and that she shouldn’t have to. She proposes the three of them be together, but Josh backs out, followed by Jimmy Jr.

Tina wallows a bit, admitting she got greedy and lost them both. But the boys don’t seem upset, and decide to finish their dance.

At the other dance, Linda and Bob, horribly drunk, start getting handsy during their dance. The other chaperone tries to separate them, but Linda throws up everywhere. Two students show them out of the dance.