'Bob's Burgers' Season 3, Episode 14: 'Lindapendent Woman' Recap

'Bob's Burgers'  Season 3, Episode 14: 'Lindapendent Woman' Recap ‘Bob’s Burgers’, season 3, episode 14, ‘Lindapendent Woman’

Linda calls the bank, and tells them which of their checks to bounce, and which to make sure get paid. Bob is surprised she talks to the bank that way. He looks at Tina’s checkbook and says she has crazy methods. He asks for ideas on how to save money. Linda suggests she gets a part-time job, but he shoots her down. Instead, they say they’ll start shopping at the cheaper store.

In the store, Linda falls in love with the prices and the environment and is told they are hiring and have flexible hours.

Back at the restaurant, Linda reveals she’s now working part-time at the store. Bob doesn’t approve.

The next morning, Linda is super excited about her first day at work. Her manager shows her around the store and introduces her to her coworkers.

In the restaurant, Teddy asks what Bob what he’s going to do without Linda. He says he’ll manage, but Teddy isn’t so sure. He asks if Linda taught her about the magic thermostat. She didn’t, so Teddy complains about the heat.

The kids visit Linda at work, and she introduces them to her coworkers.

Tina requests to visit inside the dairy cooler, and she spies on people. She sees a particularly handsome hand, and talks to the boy it’s attached to. They have a connection, but he has to go before she gets his name or number. Instead, she manages to grab his Band-Aid, and vows to find him. The boy with the turtle bite on his finger.

In a musical montage, Bob is realizing that he needs Linda. He’s not happy without her. Linda, on the other hand, loves her new job and responsibilities.

She comes home and reveals that she aced her performance reviews and is in line to be promoted to full-time. Bob decides to give her a performance review in effort to get her to stay for good. He gives her an 8 out of 10. She flips out and says she’s going to be full-time, and she storms out.

The next day, Linda has her first full day as shift manager, and Tina says she wants to visit Linda at work, but Bob won’t let any of the kids go there, since he needs their help. Linda agrees, saying Bob needs all the help he can get.

At her first day, she begins to feel the pressures of being a manager as people begin to take advantage of her kindness. She ends up covering almost all positions.

Back at the restaurant, Tina laments her missing mystery boy, so Gene and Louise say they’ll help her put up missed connection posters.

Back at the store, Linda is getting overwhelmed as more and more employees are taking advantage of her.

Many boys show up at the restaurant in response to the ad, but the Band-Aid doesn’t fit on any of their fingers.

At the store, Linda realizes that she somehow gave all the employees the day off, and she’s the only one working. She frantically calls Tina for help, and tells her to bring her siblings to help.

The kids all complain, but Tina jumps into the cooler to stock, Louise gets a pricing gun, and goes wild.

At the restaurant, Bob’s check for his meat bounced, so they have no inventory. He decides to close the restaurant, go, and get Linda back.

In the store, the line is backed up to the back of the store, and Gene helps Linda bag when a customer gets trapped under a pyramid of grapefruit. She promotes gene to register as she goes to help.

Louise is marking down prices all over the store, leading to a buying frenzy.

Bob walks in to find the store in chaos. Bob tries to find Linda to apologize, and ends up using the intercom to do it. He apologizes for being so mean to her and says that she makes working fun.

While he is giving his heartfelt speech, most customers walk out of the store, items in hand, believing them to be free because of what Bob said.

Linda runs to the front and goes on the intercom to answer Bob, saying she hates the job and the customers. They make up.

In the back of the store, Tina waits dejectedly in the cooler until a hand appears. She asks to see the index finger, and tries the Band-Aid, and it fits. The boy said he’s come back every day looking for her… and for milk. The boy wants to meet face-to-face, but Tina is scared she’ll scare him off.

He pulls her through the dairy fridge and kisses her. He says his name is Josh, and she gives him her number and they kiss again.

Linda quits and the family all return to the restaurant.