Bob Ross Gets A Happy Little Autotune

Bob Ross Gets A Happy Little Autotune For the love of aural pleasure, congressional Republicans, leave the Corporation for Public Broadcasting's funding alone. There's wonderful, wonderful music that depends on it.

What is it with PBS recently? Back in June one day, we showcased "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood"  given a sweet electronic instrumental backing to make the bizarrely beautiful clip "Garden Of Your Mind." It was like a fresh-from-the-oven cookie Mom used to bake, only laced with prime hallucinogens. Then a few weeks ago, we showed you Cookie Monster taking the horribly bland "Call Me, Maybe" and turning chicken s**t into chicken AWESOME.

Now? Ladies, gentlemen and all others in between ... Bob Ross.

He's just a chill, happy man who can muster up some happy little clouds faster than Zeus's thundering asshole. That mellow little voice of his just makes you sigh "Ahhh," and I've known more than a few who swear he's the perfect ambient soundtrack to slip into a midday nap.

That being said, when PBS Digital Studios filtered his indoor-voice timbre through Autotune and re-jiggered the soundbites, the Yoda of quick-and-easy oil painting landscapes who believes "every day's a good day with your paint" becomes a trippy little lullaby.

The makeover takes Ross' gentle instruction and makes it something almost ethereal. It goes to show that, when done with the right touch, electronic music has a way of making infectious found art of almost anything.

Hey, as Ross said himself: "This is your world, you're the creator."