Yidio Video of the Day: 'Snowtorious B.I.G.' Edition - Five Great Blizzard Vids

A blizzard 2,500 miles wide has blanketed the country, closing roads, schools, and businesses and dropping mad crazy snow from Chicago to Buffalo.

In today's special "Snowtorious B.I.G." edition of the Yidio Video of the Day, we take a look at five great videos about blizzards, including maniacal weathermen, depraved snowplow drivers and beautifully flaky footage.

Look out - when "Chuck Snowris" strikes, things can get messy.

Check out the videos below.

Crazy Weatherman

There’s pumped, and then there’s this guy. Accuweather forecaster Jim Kosek goes bats^&t crazy for one whopper of a D.C. snowstorm. Oh boy.

Idiot With a Tripod

When a blizzard hit NYC, filmmaker Jamie Stuart grabbed his camera and got creative. Roger Ebert saw his You Tube video and called it “Oscar-worthy" due to the sheer volume of technically difficult shots accomplished in just a day’s time. This one makes us want to fire up some cocoa. Mmmm....cocoa.

Idiot With a Snowplow

The weather outside is frightful, but not as frightful as some of the unbelievable morons out on the road. Watch as New York City’s finest continually smash a snow plow into an SUV. Warning, this video comes complete with an accurate but completely NSFW soundtrack.

Found: Lost Pictures of New York Blizzard

Todd Bieber (no relation to Justin) was skiing in Brooklyn's Prospect Park when he found a roll of film with pics from an NYC blizzard. Now he’s trying to find the people who took the pictures. Can you help him? Over a million people have tried.

How to Build a Snowfort

Trust us, if you’re holed up in Chicago right now, this is some solid advice. Complete with instructions for snowball warfare.

Have other favorite blizzard-related vids? Email [email protected] with your favorites, or let us know on our Facebook page.