Blake Shelton's Tweet Offends Some Sandy Hook Mourners

Blake Shelton's Tweet Offends Some Sandy Hook Mourners Apparently “The Voice” judge and coach Blake Shelton needs to just retire from Twitter.

This is the third strike against the cutie crooner. When Shelton heard of the horrific shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, he tweeted:

"The killing of defenseless people and innocent children. I'm sad and sickened. This is why we all should be prepared to defend and guard."

All right, he’s a big fan of the Second Amendment—he’s made no secret about that calling it a right that he wants “to support” and that he believes in, but the tweet definitely could be perceived as insensitive in the wake of such a tragedy.

The tweet was later deleted, as Shelton took flack for his words. He agreed with one Twitter user, @talliaAmio, who told him “word your tweets better before you send them. You’re in the spotlight.”

Sheldon answered, “I’ll give you that one.. I’m just shocked and upset.”

Shelton has also earned some annoyance by tweeting previously, “Does anyone know if the Eastern Box turtle is protected in Oklahoma? If so I didn't just swerve to the shoulder of the road to smash one...”

NPR blogger Barbara J. King tweeted back, "That turtle's life meant something- was your tweet a bad joke? Why would you be so cruel to a living being?”

Shelton told her “Shut up…”

He also tweeted some remarks that were interpreted as homophobic when he said, “Re-writing my fav Shania Twain song.. Any man that tries Touching my behind He’s gonna be a beaten, bleedin’, heaving kind of guy…”

Shelton insisted the comment was not homophobic, and meant to be from a woman’s point of view. He then called critics “Dumb asses.”

Insulting and turtle-killing aside, do you think Shelton’s tweet about Sandy Hook was insensitive or is he getting too much heat for sharing his opinion?