Blac Chyna 'Devastated' By Revenge Porn

Blac Chyna 'Devastated' By Revenge Porn

Blac Chyna is devastated after Rob Kardashian released revenge porn of her, she revealed in an interview with “Good Morning America,” set to air Monday.

“I was devastated, of course. I’m like, how could somebody, like, post these pictures of me? And I’m like ‘Wow, okay.’ This is a person that I trusted. I confided. I felt comfortable, you know, with even sending these pictures and even talking to him about certain things, you know,” she explained. “I just felt … betrayed.”

Kardashian, 30, posted naked photos of his former fiancée and graphic text messages to social media on Wednesday after claiming to have learned of affairs she was having. Chyna, 29, responded on Snapchat with claims of abuse and videos of jewelry Rob had spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on for her.

Read the rest of this article at Page Six.

Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian are the stars pf Rob & Chyna.