Billy Crystal Injured in Sneezing Incident

Billy Crystal Injured in Sneezing Incident

Billy Crystal stopped by Jimmy Kimmel Live! on Monday, for an interview that had been postponed by what he calls "the weirdest injury ever."

"I'm glad to see you are feeling well because you were supposed to be here last month," Kimmel told Crystal.

The night before he was meant to appear on Kimmel, Crystal said it was around 8:30 p.m. and getting to be close to his bedtime. "I sneeze, but a violent sneeze," said Crystal. "Folks, if it were a cartoon my arms are flying off my body, my eyes are coming out of my head, people in the room are now naked because I blew their clothes off.'

As it turns out, he tore a rib muscle from sneezing. "It's not an injury that you want to brag about," he said, "I didn't rescue a woman out of a burning car."

Read the rest of this article at The Hollywood Reporter.

Billy Crystal appeared in The Princess Bride and When Harry Met Sally...