'The Big Bang Theory' Season 6, Episode 20: 'The Tenure Turbulence' Recap

'The Big Bang Theory'  Season 6, Episode 20: 'The Tenure Turbulence' RecapThe Big Bang Theory”, season 6, episode 20, “The Tenure Turbulence”

The boys sit down for lunch and discuss the magic of a jellyfish that is essentially immortal. Barry Kripke arrives and lets them know that one of the Professors had passed away (and rotted in his office for 2 weeks), so that means that a tenured position has opened up. Kripke informs them that he’ll be trying to get it, and the guys initially think it’s stupid, but they begin to change their minds.

Leonard tells Penny about tenure, Sheldon tells Amy, and Raj tells Howard and Bernadette. They all focus on the various positive aspects of having a position guaranteed for life. Their girlfriends encourage them to go for it and schmooze the right people.

Sheldon looks up who is on the committee and finds Mrs. Davis, the HR person, whom he had previously insulted before. He accepts the challenge.

Leonard finds Mrs. Davis in the gym and chats her up, complimenting her appearance before dropping a not-so-subtle hint about to consider him for tenure. Kripke arrives and points out that Leonard has never been in the gym before. Then he chats up Mrs. Davis, showing off their closeness to Leonard.

When Mrs. Davis is in her office, Raj sends her a pre-recorded 90 minute Youtube video describing himself and his life. As she watches, Sheldon makes his appearance. He buys her a gift, trying to get her to change her opinion about him. Unfortunately, he bought her “Roots”, a movie about slavery. She finds it offensive, and he tries to justify his choice by pointing out that she is black.

She kicks him out, and he crosses her name off his list of tenure Committee members. Up next is Mr. Woo, and Sheldon has the complete works of Jackie Chan for him.

At lunch, Howard asks if any of them will be attending the late professor’s memorial service, and they all shrug it off. Then he points out that if they don’t go, then the tenure committee (who will all be there) will see how obviously they are sucking up to them.

At their apartment, Sheldon has to cancel his date night with Amy, saying he has to go to the memorial. She offers to go along, and he says it’s a good idea. She says she offers a lot of skills in terms of communication skills, but he just wants her to drive him.

Penny tells Leonard that Sheldon is going to the memorial, and Leonard is upset because he didn’t want any of them knowing that he was going to attend as well. Apparently they all promised to not go. Penny asks if Leonard wants her to go with him, and he says no. He changes his mind when she bends over to tie her shoe.

At the memorial, Amy runs through a list of appropriate emotional responses with Sheldon, making sure he doesn’t make a scene. As they do, Raj appears and confronts Sheldon, pointing out that he isn’t supposed to be there. Penny and Leonard arrive. They all exchange insults when Howard and Bernadette arrive, eager to watch the fight.

Howard eggs them on, and even has Sheldon insult Raj’s mother in a very educated “yo’ mama” joke. Bernadette drags Howard away before he can do any more damage. The boys realize that they don’t want to risk their friendships over the chance at tenure. They agree to leave, but then Kripke arrives schmoozing Mrs. Davis. They all agree that they can’t let Kripke win.

Later, Sheldon pays Mrs. Davis a visit, after learning that she put him, Leonard, and Raj on the short-list for tenure consideration. He goes to thank her, but ends up insulting her even more by turning a simple handshake into something off the streets. She says she’ll pretend that never happened and walks away. He shouts after her, “Right on, sister.”