'The Big Bang Theory' Season 6, Episode 17: 'The Monster Isolation' Recap

'The Big Bang Theory'  Season 6, Episode 17: 'The Monster Isolation' RecapThe Big Bang Theory’, season 6, episode 17, ‘The Monster Isolation’

Raj and Lucy have a coffee date, and Raj tells her about his education and job, and makes a fool of himself in the process. She excuses herself to go to the bathroom, and uses the opportunity to sneak out.

Meanwhile, Sheldon films a new episode of “Fun with Flags”. He apologizes for the lateness of the episode, citing his “black history month” episode and his “wildly racist” impersonation of George Washington Carver to blame.

He informs his audience that “Fun with Flags” isn’t just for the flag expert, but also the flag virgin, and introduces Penny as his flag virgin. Penny has his pause, and she gives him some acting tips, which he tries, unsuccessfully, to apply. Many awkward moments ensue.

Howard, Bernadette, and Leonard visit Raj, Howard sensing that something is wrong. He was right. Raj was deeply hurt by Lucy’s ditching him. He hasn’t left his apartment since the date, covered in filth and living off of Amazon-ordered food. He tells them to leave him alone, and locks himself in his room. The trio go to Red Lobster to think of a plan.

Sheldon Skypes with a very frazzled Amy, and inquires about her nicotine study. Apparently, she cut the monkeys down to one smoke a day and they were growing increasingly hostile. He tells her that the latest episode of “Fun with Flags” was a success, and Penny’s acting tips were helpful. Amy tells him to go and thank her for her help.

So Sheldon goes across the hall and thanks her. She invites Sheldon and Amy to go see her play, but he says it sounds awful and walks away. Amy tells him that he’s being rude and he needs to go accept her offer, after some confusion about ‘rules’ and ‘wants’ vs. ‘needs’.

In the comic book shop, Sheldon comments that he hasn’t seen Raj in a few days and asks if they need to interview for a new friend. They tell him he’s cloistered himself in his room, and Sheldon asks if he should give him dating advice. He laughs at himself.

Lucy goes back to the comic book shop and asks Howard to give Raj a note for her. Howard warns her that he’s easily hurt. She feels bad.

Howard brings him the number, finding him wearing nothing but tightey-whiteys and a lobster bib. The note contained her number, but Raj swears off women, vowing to focus on everything else in the world like a monk. He tells Howard to take the note with him so he won’t give in to temptation.

Howard leaves, but Raj chases him down the road in his tightey-whiteys.

At Sheldon’s apartment, Leonard asks Amy how her nicotine study is going. She says she’s no longer on the study.

“You can get animals addicted to a harmful substance, you can dissect their brains, but you throw their own feces back at them and suddenly you’re ‘unprofessional’.”

“I’m sorry… that I asked.”

Sheldon comes out, ready for the play, and Leonard makes sure he leaves behind all of his toys and games. Amy tells him that “A Streetcar Named Desire” is an American classic. Sheldon perks up when he hears “streetcar”.

Lucy goes to Raj’s apartment, but she can’t stay. She just wanted to apologize to him. He asks her what he did wrong, and she gives the typical “it’s not you, it’s me”. She says that she’s not comfortable around people she doesn’t know and she only went to the comic book shop because she’s been trying to force herself to go out. Raj is excited because he’s broken, too. They agree to another date.

At the play, Sheldon and Leonard comment how good Penny is, but Sheldon is eagerly awaiting the streetcars. They are sucked into Penny’s acting again, surprised by how good she is. Sheldon comments once again.

“How can she remember all those lines, but, as a waitress, she can’t remember ‘no tomato’ on my hamburger?”