'The Big Bang Theory' Season 6, Episode 14: 'The Cooper/Kripke Inversion' Recap

'The Big Bang Theory'  Season 6, Episode 14: 'The Cooper/Kripke Inversion' Recap The gang has gathered in the apartment, but Sheldon is too distracted by his work to join them for dinner.

“I’m sucking at the informative bosom of Mother Physics.”

Raj finds a website where you send in a picture, and they sculpt an action figure out of it. Howard and Leonard find it cool, but Penny makes Leonard change his mind.

Sheldon provides colorful play-by-play commentary as he works on his physics before Kripke interrupts him. He has come to inform Sheldon that, since they are both working on the same project, the University is making them work together.

The custom action figures Howard and Raj ordered finally arrive, and Leonard learns they cost them $500 each. He wonders how they can afford that, but Raj is from a wealthy family, and Bernadette has a great job.

“My wife came with both fun bags AND moneybags.”

They investigate their mini-clones and realize they look nothing like themselves.

“Aww. I’m not dark chocolate. I’m melt-in-your-mouth caramel.”

“Oh man, look at my nose!”

Leonard boasts that Penny did not allow him to waste his money.

Later that night. Penny and Leonard return from a movie date, and notice a blaring “Imperial March” from Star Wars coming from Leonard’s apartment.

“Oh no. That is Sheldon’s I’m-unhappy-and-about-to-destroy-the-planet music.”

“If he’s unhappy, shouldn’t we talk to him?”

“’Shouldn’t we talk to him?’ Have you learned NOTHING in six years?”

Sheldon reveals he’s being forced to work with Kripke, fearing his work will be ruined. So Leonard makes him so cocoa.

At the University, Sheldon and Kripke attempt to exchange their current research. Sheldon fears Kripke will steal his work, and Kripke feels the same. But Sheldon says that will never happen:

“Because I’m not interested in being published in MAD Magazine.”

They part, but Kripke quickly returns with the blank paper that Sheldon gave him. Sheldon gives him another folder.

“If this one’s bwank, too, I will be fuwious.”

Sheldon snatches it out of his hands and finally gives him the real folder.

In the lab, Howard is still upset about wasting his money, but Raj points out that if they had a 3D Printer, they could make their own accurate action figures. Howard worries about the price, and Raj reminds him about his rich wife. Howard agrees that it would be very helpful for his work.

Amy visits Sheldon in his apartment, but she notices he seems out of sorts. Sheldon reveals that he read Kripke’s research and that it’s leaps and bounds ahead of his.

 Amy offers him a consoling, and he agrees but soon regrets it.

“I feel like I’m being strangled by a boa constrictor.” So she stops. “Why’d you stop?”

The next morning, Sheldon fakes sick in attempts to stay home from work. Leonard attempts to comfort him, telling him Kripke isn’t smarter, that Sheldon simply got stuck on the wrong track, like Einstein. Not putting up with his nonsense, Leonard forces him to get dressed and get in the car.

Howard and Raj play with their new 3D printer by printing out a simple whistle (which only took 3 hours to make). With it working, Howard scans Raj model into his computer, and promises to give Raj some six-pack abs before printing.

In Sheldon’s office, Kripke points out Sheldon’s awful work and says it’s all because he had a girlfriend.

“My work would suffer too if I was getting waid aww the time.”

“Yes. That is the reason. My work is suffering because of all the laid I’m getting. What can I say? She enjoys my genitals.”

Kripke tells him he needs to stop bragging, buckle down, and focus.

In their apartment, Howard reveals his mini-me to Bernadette, who found it adorable. Then he reveals the doll her made of her. She asks how much they cost, and he says they were nothing at all because Raj and he bought a USED 3D printer for only $5,000.

“$5,000 for a couple of dolls? Are you out of your mind!?”

She is more than a little upset, mainly because Howard never talked to her about spending that kind of money. Howard believes that they are married and everything is shared, including her money. Wrong thing to say.

“You’re gonna return the machine, or you can print out a working set of lady parts and sleep with those. …Oh my god, are you actually thinking about it?!”

Back in their apartment, Penny asks Sheldon why he doesn’t tell Kripke the truth. He says that a lie is easier because the truth makes him look bad.

“By the way, if Kripke asks, tell him my coitus with Amy is frequent, intense, and whimsically inventive.”

Penny asks if Sheldon is ever going to sleep with Amy, and what the deal is.

“I'm quite fond of Amy. All my life, I have been uncomfortable with the sort of physical contact that comes easily to others...Hand shaking, hugging… prostate exams... but I'm working on it, you know? Just recently, I had to put Vap-O-Rub on Amy's chest. A year ago, that would have been unthinkable.”

Penny asks if that means they might get physical one day… And Sheldon reveals it’s a possibility.

In the cafeteria, Raj makes a check out to Amy for the money Howard spent on the printer. He was being punished and had his access to the checking account revoked until he learned the value of money. He couldn’t even afford lunch, as he blew his allowance on Pokémon Cards.

In his office, Kripke questions Sheldon about his sexual exploits the night before. He wants details, but Sheldon isn’t able to come up with many:

“I was too busy squishing all the desirable parts of her body.”

Kripke asks if they’ve ever used any toys.

“Toys? There’s a model rocket next to my bed.”

“Oh, you’re a fweak, I wuv it!”