The Big Bang Theory: Season 6, Episode 22: 'The Proton Resurgence' Recap

The Big Bang Theory: Season 6, Episode 22: 'The Proton Resurgence' RecapThe Big Bang Theory”, season 6, episode 22, “The Proton Resurgence”

Sheldon finds that his childhood hero, Professor Proton, is still alive and available for hire for children parties. He tells Leonard and Penny that he’s going to hire him to come to the apartment to do experiments for them (and possible a photo shoot for a calendar), and Leonard is excited, though Penny has no idea who he is.

At lunch at work, Raj asks Howard if he and Bernadette would be able to dog sit his dog Cinnamon since he’s been called away to the telescope lab. Howard agrees to watch her when Sheldon arrives, very excited that he finally booked Professor Proton to show up.

That night, Raj drops off Cinnamon and gives Howard the very detailed dietary instructions, including veal chops and shrimp scampi, but to be careful not to leave the toilet seat up, as she’ll drink out of it. Howard tells Cinnamon that he knows exactly what it’s like to have a psychotic mother as well.

In their apartment, Sheldon talks to Leonard through his bedroom wall, unable to sleep due to the excitement of Professor Proton coming over the next day. Leonard tells him to stop talking and go to sleep, or else he will be cranky in the morning, but when he can’t stop talking, Leonard climbs out of bed and walks into his room and punches him really hard. It seems to silence him for a bit, but as soon a Leonard gets comfy in his bed again, Sheldon says he still can’t sleep.

The next day, Bernadette and Howard return from their trip with Cinnamon to the dog part. Bernadette thought it was cute how Howard was playing with Cinnamon, and not throwing the ball far so she wouldn’t get tired chasing after it. Then she admits that it felt like they were a little family, and she could consider having a family. Howard checks on the dog and finds the stroller is empty. He curses loudly, and they quickly turn to blaming each other. They run back to the park.

At the apartment, Sheldon eagerly awaits Professor Proton, as he’s running late. He gets a call from him, saying he’s stuck on the third floor, and Sheldon, Leonard, and Penny rush out to meet him.

In the hallway, they finally meet Professor Proton, an elderly man (played by Bob Newhart), who is completely exhausted. Leonard apologizes for not warning him about the elevator, and Sheldon oozes excitement from being in his presence. Prof. Proton asks if Sheldon is dangerous, and Leonard says he’s actually a genius. He then introduces himself and Penny, and they help him up to their apartment.

Inside the apartment, Sheldon continues to stare. Prof. Proton asks why they hired him and where the children are. Leonard explains that they just wanted to hang out and see his show. Prof. Proton says that he only started doing kids shows because they were the only job he could get after his show ended. He tells Leonard that he has a PhD, and that they can discuss real science, but Sheldon insists he perform his show.

In town, Bernadette and Howard drive around calling for Cinnamon. They don’t spot her, and Bernadette wonders if it’s because the dog is used to Raj’s accent, so they try that. No luck.

In the apartment, Prof. Proton is in the middle of his show, much to Sheldon’s delight. Penny is actually learning things as well. However, Prof. Proton tells them to keep their money, and that he can’t do the show and he’s tired of being Professor Proton and being a joke to the scientific community. Sheldon tries to convince him that he has inspired a whole generation of scientists with his show, and if it wasn’t for him, he would never have become a physicist. Prof. Proton says that that means a lot to him, and he thanks them. However, he sits down as his pacemaker starts giving him trouble. Leonard calls for an ambulance.

In the telescope lab, Raj receives a call from a man who had found Cinnamon. Raj gets his address and says he’s on his way.

In the apartment, Prof. Proton is checked over by paramedics and told he should go to the hospital with them for continued observation. Sheldon volunteers to go with him in the ambulance, much to his chagrin. Leonard and Penny agree to bring him his stuff and meet him at the hospital.

Bernadette and Howard receive a Skype call as they’re printing lost dog fliers. It’s Raj, saying that someone called him and said they found Cinnamon, and that he picked her up hours ago. Bernadette isn’t too happy to hear that, as they’ve been worrying about the dog for hours. She scolds Raj for not calling sooner and hangs up on him. Howard says that Bernadette would make a wonderful mother some day with her impressive guilt trips.

In the hospital, Sheldon sings Prof. Proton “Soft Kitty”. He thanks Sheldon, visibly weirded out. Sheldon tries to make him feel better, but Prof. Proton asks him for a favor instead. He tells Sheldon that he was scheduled for a gig the next day, and he won’t be up to performing, and asks if Sheldon will do it for him. Sheldon is honored to be the next Prof. Proton and readily accepts, feeling like his son.