Justin Bieber Sets Mom's Hair on Fire During Show

For once a Justin Bieber story about hair has nothing to do with his own.

As Radar reports, Bieber accidentally caught his mother’s hair on fire during a surprise birthday moment on his Berlin stage Saturday.

At the end of his show, Bieber brought his mother, Pattie Mallette on stage to blow out a cake with 35 candles while being serenaded by the entire audience.

As Mallette leaned over to blow out the flames her long flowing hair caught on fire.

Luckily Bieber moved like a flash and patted the flames out. Later he tweeted "Sick show in Berlin... brought @studiomama on stage 2 sing her happy bday but she lit her hair on fire with the candles. lol. i saved her."

To which his mom replied, "Thank you for all your b-day wishes!! All I want is your prayers. Thank u @justinbieber for the cake (& embarrassing me on stage lol.) Xo."

Sounds like his Never Say Never Lyrics - "I never thought I could walk through fire, I never thought a could take a burn" – are paying off.

You can watch the hot moment, here: