Do New Texts Prove the Bieber Baby Drama Was a Scam?

Note to aspiring scam artists: When trying to extort money from a famous pop icon with a sham paternity suit, try not to Tweet your friends about the scam, claiming another man is the father of the baby.

That's reportedly happened this week, when Mariah Yeater sent some incriminating text messages to a friend about the baby she allegedly had with Justin Bieber.

According to TMZ, "Justin Bieber's alleged baby mama sent a text Wednesday to a friend, begging him to erase an incriminating text in which her mom says someone OTHER than Justin Bieber is the baby daddy, and then promising to give him a cut of the action when she scores a payday."

The first text, from Mariah Yeater to a friend (who asked his name to be kept anonymous) asks "would you please stress to Robbie how important it is for him to be in his son's life?.."

She then goes on to ask the friend: "ERASE ALL MESSAGES from my mom where she says Tristan is Robbies son Ill kick you when we get paid."

For those who don't understand half-literate texting, she's implying that if he erases the message, she'll give him a cut of the money they make from the paternity suit.

It's not exactly a complete smoking gun, in that Yeater is implying that the first text (which would have been a smoking gun) saying the baby is not Bieber's was written by her mother using her phone (which is sort of weird).

The second text, however, looks pretty bad, as she is clearly offering to cut someone in on payment for the lawsuit (i.e. hush money) if he hides evidence. Plus "Ill kick you when we get paid" sounds distinctly like you're cutting someone in on scam money.

Is this conclusive proof Yeater is trying to scam Bieber? If not, it certainly throws another log on the old bonfire. And Bieber's attorneys are all but declaring victory in this one.

"This information proves Mariah Yeater fabricated the story," said Howard Weitzman, Bieber's lawyer.

"Our independent investigation indicates Ms. Yeater never meet Justin, she has consistently identified another man as the child's father, and Ms. Yeater and her co-conspirators hatched this scheme in order to extort money from him and to sell her story to the media. There have been no settlement discussions and there never will be," said Weitzman.

This all comes after the paternity suit was dropped this week in San Diego courts. Yeater's attorney claim the case was dropped after Yeater began getting death threats, but has stated that the suit will likely be refiled. Maybe not so much now.

What do you think? Is this case over with officially? Is this a case of the ultimate "Texts From Last Night"?