The Bieber Baby Mama Drama is Over: Paternity Lawsuit Dropped (Updated)

It's all over folks. Nothing to see here. The Bieber Baby Mamma Drama of 2011 officially came to a close this week, just in time for the pop singer to promote the heck out of his big Christmas album, as Maria Yeater, the 20-year-old woman who claimed she was the mother of his three-month-old child, officially withdrew her paternity lawsuit from San Diego County courts.

The lawsuit reportedly went away and Yeater's attorneys exited stage left, according to TMZ, when the pop singer announced he was willing to take a paternity test to prove he was not the father of the child, and said he would most likely then sue high school dropout Mariah Yeater for defamation.

At the time that Yeater announced the allegations, which actually could have conceivably resulted with her being charged with statuatory rape (Bieber was allegedly 17 at the time of the incident and she was 20), Bieber's lawyers were very clear about how they would deal with false allegations.

"It's sad that someone would fabricate malicious, defamatory, and demonstrably false claims. We will vigorously pursue all available legal remedies to defend and protect Justin against these allegations," said Bieber's attorneys.

The came the news the Yeater had, in fact, claimed another man was the father of the child, and gotten involved in another incident where the police were called with him over the allegations.

Bieber went on the Today show and further denied the allegations to Matt Lauer, saying that "he'd never met the woman."

Yeater responded by claiming "I have provided evidence to my attorneys and it will show in court to prove that my allegations are true."

When Yeater persisted in her allegations, Bieber agreed to the tests, and his attorneys made it clear they weren't kidding about legal action.

According to MTV News, "Bieber's lawyer, Howard Weitzman, reached out to Yeater's confirm that the DNA test will take place, and have already chosen the lab they will use. After the test takes place, the 'Baby' singer's team will reportedly file suit."

Apparently the threats worked, as TMZ reported this morning that "The suit was quietly dismissed late last week.  What's more, Mariah Yeater's lawyers, Lance Rogers and Matt Pare, have quit her ... withdrawn from the case. "

Will this be the end of the Bieber Baby Mama Drama of 2012? Unless Selena Gomez has something she'd like to tell us, we sure hope so. Who knows though? As the Biebs himself says, "Never Say Never"...

Update (i.e. Biebs was right - "Never Say Never"):

Biebers attorneys are claiming that it was, in fact, another type of threat that was to blame for the lawsuit being dropped - mainly death threats from Bieber fans.

“In light of death threats directed toward my client, strategies have been reviewed. The San Diego case has been withdrawn, and we’re trying to settle out of court with Bieber’s counsel. We're working out a DNA test confidentially,” Jeffrey Leving, Yeater's now former attorney, told the New York Daily News.

“I did not resign. I still believe my client. I originally wanted a judge to order a DNA test to make sure the test's chain of custody was safeguarded. But the reality is that that was before these death threats escalated. And they’ve gotten so out of control, maintaining strict confidentiality is something we have to try. If this doesn’t work, and we can’t work it out, we can always re-file," said Leving.