Beyonce's 'Single Ladies' Video Syncs Up Perfectly with the 'DuckTales' Theme Song

Beyonce's 'Single Ladies' Video Syncs Up Perfectly with the 'DuckTales' Theme Song

Some of you might be familiar at this point with the #BeyonceAlwaysOnBeat meme, in which people take videos of Beyonce's dance moves and put other music behind her. Strangely, more often than not the music matches up pretty well with the video.

This video might be the video to end that meme.

The video, which has gone viral in the past couple of days, features the video for Beyonce's "Single Ladies" synced up with the theme song from "Ducktales." The strange thing is, it matches up almost perfectly.

There's even a point where it almost looks like Beyonce is lip-syncing to the "DuckTales" lyrics. It's uncanny.

So at this point, we're pretty sure we can lay this meme to rest. Nothing will top this. The end.

Check out the video below: