Beyonce and Jay-Z Are Totally Getting a Divorce, Maybe

Beyonce and Jay-Z Are Totally Getting a Divorce, Maybe It's offically, maybe over. The greatest or possibly worst celebrity couple of our time. Perhaps.

According to reports (read: blind gossip items), musical power couple Beyoncé and Jay-Z are getting a divorce soon. Very soon. Unless they aren't, in which case they won't.

The gossip item comes from Blind Gossip, which despite its shady, citation-lacking presentation actually does tend to get a lot of things right. These are the people who reported Katie Holmes' escape from Tom Cruise, after all.

Here's what they had to say about the couple that is maybe probably Bey-Z:

"We have told you MANY times before that this high-profile marriage is just a business arrangement. We have also told you that this business arrangement will wind down after their current project is finished.

Well, it's almost over! They are splitting up everything (properties, money, child/ren) right now, but will be keeping up appearances until the announcement. They are separating this year, with the divorce to follow in about six months. It will be very clean and very fast. In fact, the parties involved are describing the timeline as 'Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes fast.'"

That "current project" would refer to their co-headlining tour that's in progress but winding down soon. It would be easy to consider this just tabloid-style conjecture, but there was that whole elevator incident with Solange, not to mention Beyoncé's lyrical change that implies that Jay-Z has cheated on her since their marriage began.

So, there you have it. Undeniable proof that Jay-Z and Beyoncé are splitting up, unless they don't, in which case it's totally deniable non-proof.