Thank You For Bein' a Friend: Betty White Celebrates Birthday #89

Thank You For Bein' a Friend: Betty White Celebrates Birthday #89 Can we just give Betty White a hand? The 89-year-old party girl celebrated her own birthday last night while interviewing with David Letterman and drinking vodka. You go girl! Betty and Dave whooped it up and shared some funnies…that is until Dave opened his big mouth and inserted his foot!

The interview was going great and they were chatting it up like great friends. Letterman busted out come chilled Grey Goose and photos from her golden years. As puts it, "I think it was all going pretty well until he said she reminded him of his mother." (Note to dudes: never tell a lady she reminds you of your mom.)

Ouch. Dave! You never, ever tell a woman that! What in the world was he thinking? Of course, this is also the guy that cheated on his baby mama, so I guess he doesn’t think at all sometimes.

Betty looked as healthy and as lively as ever. Her 89th birthday looks great on her! She is starring in a new show called "Hot In Cleveland" with Valeria Bertinelli, Jane Leeves and Wendie Malick. The show has gotten some great reviews - and how could it not with that all-star cast?

Betty doesn’t have any more SNL dates planned, but she is starring in her sitcom. She has a movie coming out in 2011 called "The Lost Valentine." It also stars Jennifer Love Hewitt and Gil Gerard.