'Better Call Saul' Season 1, Episode 9 - 'Pimento' Recap

'Better Call Saul'  Season 1, Episode 9 - 'Pimento' Recap

With Chuck's newfound resistance to electromagnetic fields, he and Jimmy enjoy the outdoors for a bit before getting back to work. Chuck is still confident in the case, and confident in Jimmy's confidence. No doubt this will all go terribly wrong.

Jimmy gets a small victory when a restraining order, meant to keep him away from clients at Sandpiper, is overturned. But Chuck has bad news: there's too much work here for two people to handle, and he wants to send it over to HHM for support.

"We can Erin Brockovich the shit out of this case!" Jimmy argues. But Chuck makes a good point: Sandpiper will keep tying Jimmy up in court with stuff like the restraining order, drawing the case out over years and depleting their capital.

"I guess I'll have to get an office right next to yours," Jimmy says, acquiescing. "Finally out of the mail room."

Hamlin is serious about Chuck's return: the entire firm puts their cell phones into a bin and locks them away, and greets Chuck in the lobby with applause.

The meeting goes well at first: Hamlin is excited about the case and offers Jimmy 20% plus $20,000 up front. However, he's adamant about not hiring Jimmy along with the case. Jimmy counters by saying that HHM won't get the case without him, but unfortunately Hamlin seems fine with even that.

Kim even tries to defend Jimmy to Hamlin, but gets a rude response. Before she leaves, though, he stops her and tells her to shut the door. What's going on between Kim and Hamlin?

It would seem that maybe Hamlin either bribed or threatened Kim to go convince Jimmy to take the deal, because that's exactly what she does. Her argument makes sense: Jimmy would be able to use the money to get himself an actual office and finally distance himself from HHM, ironically enough.

But Jimmy makes a terrible realization: Chuck actually called HHM the night before, using Jimmy's phone, and told Hamlin not to hire Jimmy. It was actually Chuck who made sure Jimmy wasn't promoted in the first place.

Chuck reveals that he considers Jimmy's law degree from University of American Samoa to be a joke, and that he still thinks that Slippin' Jimmy will always be Slippin' Jimmy. "Slippin' Jimmy with a law degree is like a chimp with a machine gun," he says.

Meanwhile, Mike is out on a job, apparently a "protection gig." When he's asked by his fellow muscle what he's carrying, he responds "a pimento sandwich." When the hilariously doofy guy who hired him shows up, Mike is threatened by the muscle. He totally Mikes him and takes all of his guns. It's awesome.

Mike's new employer for the day, Price, seems to be selling a box full of pills, and he's pretty nervous about it. Ignacio Varga, aka Nacho, is the guy on the other end oddly enough, and the deal goes smoothly except for a missing $20 that causes some friction.

Mike gives Price some advice on his new career: "If you're going to be a criminal, do your homework." When Price retorts that he's not a bad guy, Mike clarifies: "I didn't say you're a bad guy, I said you're a criminal."

It all rings a bit of Walter White, doesn't it?