'Better Call Saul' Season 1, Episode 8 - 'RICO' Recap

'Better Call Saul'  Season 1, Episode 8 - 'RICO' Recap

We start off this week with a flashback.

It would seem that Jimmy used to work the mail room at HHM, and we see him receive his notice that he passed the bar with Kim by his side. He goes to tell Chuck, whose response is surprised but not particularly enthusiastic.

Side note: Jimmy got his law degree from the University of American Samoa.

In a particularly crushing scene, we also watch through the window as Howard denies Jimmy a position at the company. It's all done in silence as we listen to the repetitive sound of the copier going while we watch Jimmy's hopes die.

Back in the present, Kim settles back in at HHM as the firm announces a settlement with the Kettlemans while Jimmy continues his work in elder law. He ends up uncovering a potentially big lawsuit, though, as his new client Mrs. Landry reveals that her assisted living home, Sandpiper Crossing, seems to be embezzling from her paychecks and overcharging them for things they buy from the home.

When Jimmy goes to talk to his clients about it, though, the Sandpiper people block his entry. Hearing what is clearly document shredding going on in the next room, Jimmy quickly writes up a demand letter in an effort to stop the descruction of his much-needed evidence.

Jimmy goes so far as to actually dig through the outside dumpster at night in order to find the shredded papers, which results in some disgusting occurrences and an awkward conversation with Sandpiper's lawyer. The humor of the show, surprisingly thin thus far for a show centered on Saul Goodman, finally kicks up here, especially with the reveal of the recycling bin.

Chuck balks at Jimmy's tactics at first, but eventually relents and even gets to work helping to piece together the documents himself. He's surprisingly good at it.

When Jimmy calls Kim for some help printing out a few cases, she expresses concern over Chuck helping out Jimmy, a third party, even though he's under contract with HHM still. Though he explains it away, we can easily see that coming back to bite Jimmy in the ass.

Speaking of foreshadowing, Mike is babysitting Kaylee and her mother brings out the envelope full of money, asking if it's okay to spend it. "If this money helps you and Kaylee, if it does any good in this world, you spend every penny of it," he says. "It's only a drop in the bucket," she says, which warrants a concerning look from Mike. Is this how he gets back into crime?

The Sandpiper lawyers show up at Chuck's house and argue that any damages amount to accounting errors, not fraud. Jimmy counters that the syringes ordered from Nebraska, since they went across state lines, could turn this into a RICO case. They counter Sandpiper's offer of $100k with $20 million...or Chuck does, at least. Jimmy is skeptical, but Chuck seems confident that this is a multi-state class-action suit.

Without even thinking about it, Chuck walks right outside later to grab documents out of Jimmy's car...and might, just might come to the realization that he's not allergic to electromagnetism after all.