Bethenny Frankel Doesn't Like the New Girl in Town

Bethenny Frankel Doesn't Like the New Girl in Town

Hang onto your hats — there's a new(ish) girl in town! On the Wednesday, April 12, episode of The Real Housewives of New York City, socialite Tinsley Mortimer arrived to stay with Sonja Morgan. Apparently, Tinsley was ready to get back to the city after several years away in Florida, and was planning to crash at Sonja's townhouse while looking for her own place.

In another part of town, Ramona Singer, Carole Radziwill and Bethenny Frankel all got reacquainted after some time apart, and Ramona was immediately bent out of shape that Bethenny wasn't warmer to her. "Now that she has a boyfriend, her attitude has changed toward me," Ramona whined in voiceover. Ramona got busy telling Carole and Bethenny about her argument with Luann de Lesseps over Tom D'Agostino. (ICYMI, Ramona thinks Tom is a no-good cheater, but Luann doesn't want to hear it.) When Tinsley came up in passing, Bethenny quipped to the camera, "She had the whole world at her fingertips, and then she kind of crashed and burned."

Read the rest of this article at Us Weekly.

Across the river, you'll find The Real Housewives of New Jersey.