Best Idea Ever: Ricky Gervais Wants to Do the Golden Globes, MST3K Style

Best Idea Ever: Ricky Gervais Wants to Do the Golden Globes, MST3K Style Let's face it: Ricky Gervais probably won't be asked to host the Golden Globes again, no matter what he says about it. But that doesn't mean we have to go through this year's ceremony without a proper roasting of every celebrity in the room, courtesy of England's master of feather-ruffling.

On his blog, Gervais put forth a brilliant idea: do a live commentary on the Golden Globes, but do it nowhere near the ceremony itself. No, he's not going to live-tweet it (everybody does that)...he's going to live-podcast it!

Here's the idea, in Gervais' own words: "What do you think of this? A live 3 hour podcast during The Golden Globes. Me and a few chums (like Louis CK, Chris Rock, Karl Pilkington, John Stewart, Larry David popping in and out) doing our own alternative commentary. People at home can have the telly on with the sound down listening to us online say things that no broadcaster could get away with."

That's right...Ricky Gervais wants to "Mystery Science Theater 3000" the Golden Globes.

What do I think of it? My god man, you may have just stumbled upon the greatest idea in the history of podcasting, besides maybe the invention of podcasting. In a way it would be like watching the Globes with comedic greats like Gervais, Louis C.K. and Larry David watching with you, right in your living room.

Once Gervais received a huge outpouring of support for the idea, he responded with a non-committal but appreciative response.

He noted that the whole thing would be for fun, but of course he took a moment to take some jabs at the ceremony: "I’m looking into it. Might not happen. I might not even be available. Who knows, I might be at The Golden Globes. (awkward silence.) The funny thing is, everyone who tunes in to the live webcast will also have to be watching the actual show on NBC. I could still be helping their ratings. Ha ha. I hadn’t thought this through. Maybe they should sponsor me? (awkward silence… slightly longer than the last one… slowly fade to black.)"