The Best Of: Clint Eastwood Memes

Clint Eastwood’s speech at the Republican National Convention has certainly stirred a lot of talk.

Luckily for the less serious of us out there, it’s also spurred a lot of really hilarious memes.

Whether you think his speech was a useful ploy on behalf of the Republicans or the ramblings of a strange, aging actor, the “Trouble with the Curve” star certainly made headlines, and, as is typical of pretty much anything mildly amusing these days, has blown up into the newest Internet meme.

E! has released their favorites, which included a sad Keanu, a disapproving McKayla Malroney, and the inevitable, “Chair, get off my lawn!” joke. Best Eastwood Meme lists are everywhere, so joining in that spirit, here is my personal list of the top five most chortle-inspiring memes:


1) “Did you start without me?” Ohhh. Now it all makes so much more sense! Thanks, Obama, have a seat! Just watch the language, okay? Respect your elders.

2)    That’s right, Eastwood. You don’t have to take that kind of crap. Not from a chair that probably wasn’t even made in America.

3)    Repeal “Obamachair.” See what they did there? It’s a simple yet funny play on words and still a witty political commentary at the same time… no? Okay, well. Clint Eastwood’s stern expression and the term “Obamachair” were enough for me. Tough crowd.

4)    Okay, not a meme. But still so, so appropriate. Well done, as usual, “Simpsons.” Always good for a timely reference.

5)    Clint Eastwood talks to a whole lot of random stuff. Like, a bucket of mackerel. And yet, “Clint Eastwood Talking to a Chair” is strangely catchy. My only concern is what has happened to the back of Clint Eastwood’s head in this video.

Additionally, if you’re not satisfied with memes, there’s now “Clint Eastwooding,” which, as you might gather, is essentially people scolding or arguing with empty chairs.

Ah-like so: