'Ben and Kate' Season 1, Episode 8: 'Reunion' Recap

'Ben and Kate'  Season 1, Episode 8: 'Reunion' Recap Ben and Tommy rush into the kitchen, a live turkey in Ben’s arms while they frantically try and find somewhere to put him. Kate comes in and demands an explanation. Ben reveals that he stole the turkey from a parade. He was to be raffled off for a dinner. Ben named him Keith and dashed him to safety.

Seruche comes in, an old friend from high school, wanting to know when everyone is going to get together and drink and catch up before the holiday.

Kate gives Ben some mail that she got addressed to “Mr. and Mrs. Fox,” which Ben laughs off as a joke on the tax people. Kate leaves to see Will, who she is not officially dating, but is…

“We need to tell her!” Ben yells at BJ. Flashback to BJ and Ben getting married.

In bed with Kate, Will asks her if it’s okay to not do Thanksgiving together. She is fine with it. She tells him she doesn’t want to go meet up with the old friends from high school. She explains that her junior year she was in “Jesus Christ Superstar,” and Anna Lewis dropped her on stage, where she fell into a boy’s junk. Kate was therefore named Junk Face throughout high school.

Will decides they will slay that dragon.

Ben and BJ argue about telling Kate that Ben married her for a green card seven years ago. Tommy reveals he resents Seruche for being so stylish. Maddie has Ben look over her report on who she admires most: her uncle Ben. Ben breaks down reading it. He goes to talk to Kate and admit that he is married to BJ.

Will and Kate go to the bar, which is full of people from school. Kate gets chewed out for not RSVPing to someone’s 8th grade pool party. BJ comes up and sends Will away to get a drink, and asks how Kate is planning to introduce him to people. Kate panics, and sees Anna Lewis. Will peps her up to go over. Anna gives her an awkward hug. Will goes off to get another drink so they can talk.

Kate confronts her about the nickname. Anna seems to have no idea about the nickname. Ben comes in and everyone cheers. BJ intervenes as he goes to find Kate and tell her the truth. Ben tells BJ to divorce him, but she says she can’t, even though she has her green card, because she only has half…

“It’s the bit that says ‘green.’”

Ben realizes that BJ is in love with him. BJ denies it. Ben thinks she is afraid of being pollinated by his manly bee, but BJ tells him… well, never. Tommy calls to find out what Seruche is wearing. Maddie helps Tommy to rethink his outfit—and rethink the ‘fro.

Kate goes back to Will and tells him how Anna is pretending not to remember the nickname. He marches her back. They go and argue with Anna. Anna tells them that Kate only got the part because of Ben. They decide to settle it with… a sing-off. Anna belts it out perfectly, captivating the bar.

“You’ve got to punch Anna in the face with your vocal cords.”

Ben tells Kate to bring it even though he got her the part. Will and Ben hike Kate up and begin singing. Tommy comes in, slick, and with roller skate shoes. He slides across the floor, into the trio, and Kate falls into Will’s crotch. Anna laughs at Junk Face.

Kate storms out, followed my Will. She asks him why he has been fighting her battle for her. He says he’s just trying to defend his girlfriend, surprising her.

Anna comes out, taunting her. Kate calls her sad. Kate says she loves her life, her daughter, her friends, her boyfriend.

“This is like the hunkiest babe man ever. This is my boyfriend.

Anna leaves, and Kate smooches Will.

Kate serves her Thanksgiving dinner. She gives a toast and thanks everyone. BJ reveals that she is her sister, causing Kate to freak out. BJ also reveals that she didn’t need a green card, she had dual citizenship. She married Ben to keep him from leaving for Indonesia and keep him in California, because Kate was pregnant. Their sham marriage was a sham.

“It’s the perfect crime. There is no crime.”

Maddie asks if they’re getting divorced and they play happy couple for her.