'Ben and Kate' Season 1, Episode 9: 'Guitar Face' Recap

'Ben and Kate'  Season 1, Episode 9: 'Guitar Face' Recap Kate argues with Maddie about drinking her milk, even though she admits she hates milk too.  Ben gets tagged in. They play milk pong.

“You gotta chug that thing, Pledge.”

Tommy comes in later and tells Ben he has good news. He got him a job at his country club. Ben figures he can sell his start-up ideas to rich people.

Snack cart driver. Not what he expected. Ben even gets a pink visor and fanny pack. After some initial struggles with the cart, he heads off to his first day.

At work, BJ is getting annoyed that she is no longer the most important person to Kate (oh, Maddie, whatever). Will comes in and tells her their band is playing that night, and he would love it if she could come. When he leaves, Kate realizes it’s a disaster—there is always one little thing that ruins her relationships. BJ points out his crazy ex wife Nicole might be there, but Kate insists she isn’t crazy, she even goes to support groups.

BJ goes to the support group, looking for Nicole but not finding her. The leader of the group drags her in despite her attempt to escape. When she promises they will give BJ her full attention, she sits.

Ben’s snack cart gig seems to be going well. He’s certainly selling snacks, but his pitches seem to be unnerving the golfers. He finds out about “poachers,” the men who dive in the water and sell back loose golf balls.

Will’s band is playing, and Kate is surprised that they’re pretty good (debatable)… that is until Will’s horrible guitar face.

“That’s his SEX face!”

It bites her later, when she’s trying to fool around with Will and all she can do is giggle.

Tommy and Ben go into the bar, arguing. Ben wants to sell the balls but Tommy calls it stealing. BJ tells Kate to just have Will wear a mask during sex. Ben makes his own sex faces, grossing out his sister. Will comes in as Ben mimics his sex/guitar face, and storms off.

Ben is poaching for golf balls, Tommy confronts him. They get caught. Ben apologizes as Tommy cleans out his locker, but Tommy won’t forgive him for taking the only job he ever loved from him. Ben pleads to his boss to hire Tommy back, and cleans out his own locker—which is full of golf balls.

BJ thanks her support group, crying, for all their help and attention. Ben keeps calling Tommy but he won’t answer. He tries to get Maddie to help but even she won’t. Kate asks what’s going on, and is horrified to find out what happened and tells him he has to get Tommy’s job back.

Ben knows what he needs to do.

Apparently that means putting on a football helmet and letting Tommy shoot golf balls at him. The first one knocks him flat, bringing his friend over as Ben writhes in pain. Tommy’s old boss comes up, wondering what’s going on. He recognizes the last name Fox—who has been sending gifts to his house. In fact his daughter really appreciated the biosphere with frogs. Ben pitches his idea.

Kate comes in to find BJ with cookies, apologizing for being a bad friend. She says she is present, and she wants to listen. She goes into therapy mode, asking if Kate chases men away to protect herself.

She goes to see Will and tells him she is freaked out by how perfect he is, and how he doesn’t let her down. He admits he isn’t perfect. He also can’t get it out of his head how stupid he must look on stage, and is missing his show for the night. Kate tells him she will go on stage with him and distract everyone.

Kate goes on and makes her own horrible sex faces, while Ben feels gross watching. Tommy got his job back and Ben got an investor for his business venture. BJ decides she will be a therapist.