'Ben and Kate' Season 1, Episode 7: 'Career Day' Recap

'Ben and Kate'  Season 1, Episode 7: 'Career Day' Recap Kate is outside flirting with the neighbor, Will, while parking her car, while Ben and BJ watch in disgust. She calls it “Operation Crockpot.” Flirt here and there, and three months later, she’s ready to eat… but Ben doesn’t think he likes him.

“He’s too like… Captain America.”

Ben wants to do recon on him but Kate says no. Maddie comes in to remind her mother about Career Day at school.

Ben walks Maddie to school, promising to come to Career Day—whether she likes it or not. Ben sees Will and his daughter Shelly, and goes to do recon work.

Kate tells BJ she’s enjoying her stage of flirtation with Will, but BJ isn’t listening. Employees aren’t thrilled with her now she is sleeping with the boss. Kate decides to turn the heat up on the crockpot… it has been 57 months since she had sex. This is necessary.

Ben and Tommy try to figure out a career for Career Day. Ben thinks maybe he can sell the wine he has left from a fling with a French woman. He decides to become a wine merchant.

When Kate hears this and sees the house full of wine, she doesn’t think it’s a great plan, but Ben tells her Will thought it was a good idea. He kind of likes Will, but he wants to see them together. Kate says absolutely not, but voila, Will comes in anyway—already invited and ready to grill.

At the end of the night Will asks Kate if he can take her out for a proper dinner at seven the next night.

“Then that is when I will see you... with my lookin’ balls.”

Tommy has called every wine bar in time and not one will buy from them. Ben’s starting to feel the pressure. Tommy offers to play the race card, but Ben wants to hold onto it.

Girlscouts come and Ben buys a bunch of cookies, and they chew through the cookies trying to make a plan of how to sell their wine.

Boom. Door-to-door wine sales, and as they flirt with the housewives everything goes well.

BJ goes to Kate’s and complains more about everyone at work ignoring her as Kate prepares for her date with Will. Ben gives Kate her blessing, and goes to warn Will about Kate’s issues of being left, and explains she hasn’t been intimate in a long time, etc.

Will is pretty nervous now on his date with Kate, leaving his watch and wallet when he goes to the bathroom so she won’t be concerned about him leaving… Kate asks what’s going on, and he explains that Ben told him about her “issues” and how she spooks easily. She is embarrassed but admits it’s true.

Tommy and Ben are doing pretty well at their wine tasting with all the housewives, who are enjoying their wine-cicles and samples. As they gossip, he finds out that Will left his wife last Christmas, and rushes off.

BJ explains, over martinis and a Shirley Temple, that her feelings are hurt by the other employees. Maddie explains that a boy in class was teasing her, and she told him she’d go to his house and hurt him while he slept, and he stopped. BJ finds Kenny, who has been the worst of the bunch, and threatens him. He tells her his name is Sam, and that she always calls them the wrong names—hence the dirty looks.

Ben bursts in as Will and Kate are about to kiss each other in Will’s house, chased by an angry husband. Ben demands to know why Will left his wife and didn’t even wait until boxing day.

Will days he left because she never put their daughter first. Kate apologizes for everything. Ben gets a text from the housewife, and the husband tackles him.

Recovering from his attack, Ben is in bed, and Kate thanks him for inadvertently making things good between her and Will. Maddie asks if he is ready for Career Day, but he says he still doesn’t know what he wants to be when he grows up.

Ben goes to Career Day to share this life view, to mixed responses.