'Ben and Kate' Season 1, Episode 12: 'Girl Problems' Recap

'Ben and Kate'  Season 1, Episode 12: 'Girl Problems' Recap Tommy brings in his new girlfriend to show off, until Kate comes in and he rushes her out. Ben has to leave too, to see someone about his Rail Mall (train mall invention).

Ben finds out BJ has a dog named Winnie, which no one seemed to know. Kate is upset that Tommy and Lila were weird around her, but BJ reminds her Tommy was in love with her so it’s bound to be weird.

At the bank, Ben finds out his credit is impeccable, but it’s going to be hard to get him such a large loan. His banker suggests he get a serious CEO on board, or he won’t get the loan.

Kate is still concerned about Tommy and Lila fitting in around her. BJ suggests Kate ask Lila to hang out with her, so they can all be friends. Ben returns to tell them that everything went well—except that he needs a CEO. Luckily his job at the country club puts him into contact with plenty of heavy hitters.

He tries to chat some up in the sauna, but the steam overcomes him. Later, he hears an aggressive woman on the phone as he sets up snacks. He pitches it to her.

Kate goes to see Lila and asks her if she wants to hang out. Lila agrees.

Ben’s business woman, Vera, takes him to rub elbows with business people. She demonstrates her ability to take things from people, and Ben shows off his people skills. She thinks they'd make a great team.

Lila and Kate are playing pool, and finally Kate has relaxed somewhat. They are enjoying themselves. They begin to talk about men. Kate tells her she wants Lila to fit in to the group, and not to think of her as the girl Tommy was in love with for ten years. Clearly this was news to Lila.

At the party, Ben sees BJ, who has been sent to watch over him. BJ informs him that Vera is interested in sleeping with him. Vera invites Ben back to her place, so I guess she was correct. He goes back to her very nice loft and they enjoy some brandy. They make out.

Tommy comes over to Kate’s to find out what she said to mess everything up. They argue. Kate explains that she was worried that they wouldn’t be able to stay friends. She wants to help make things right.

The next morning, Ben finds out that Vera has no real interest in supporting Rail Mall. He dumps her and leaves. He moans about this later to BJ. BJ bolsters his ego in her own special way.

The mailman rings the doorbell at Lila’s, and Kate pops up behind him. Lila tells her she feels stupid for not knowing what was going on. Kate can’t seem to say the right thing, so she just tells Lila that she and Tommy fit. Lila agrees to call Tommy—who pops up out of the bushes. He apologizes and they make up.

Ben goes to confront Vera in her office. He defends his idea for Rail Mall, He mentions linking commuters to take out restaurants near their stops—she seizes on this. A smartphone link so that commuters can order their food and have it ready for them when they get off the train.

“This is a way for me to keep having sex with you while we both get very, very rich.”

They make out.