'Ben and Kate' Season 1, Episode 10: 'The Trip' Recap

'Ben and Kate'  Season 1, Episode 10: 'The Trip' Recap Kate is doing housework while dancing to music, unaware that she has an enraptured audience.

Will calls Kate asking her to come over, but she hears Ben making suspicious noises and has to leave. Ben is teaching Maddie to saw wood to help build her a new loft bed.

Since Maddie’s hopes are now up, Kate goes to the store to look for beds with Will but they cost a fortune. She breaks a lamp—a $700 lamp. As she panics about paying for it, Will hands his credit card to the clerk.

They speculate later over how he could afford it, and Kate lets it slip that he has some family money. Ben gets weird—apparently he has a thing against people who inherit money. Kate admits she thinks it’s nice to have someone take care of things for once, but Ben is suspicious.

Tommy waxes poetic about Kate to BJ, but BJ tells him he needs to get over her. She has a nice man—a man with money, and so Tommy needs to not ruin that for her.

Will makes Kate dinner. It’s fancy, and she admits that she let Ben get in her head about the money. Will suggests they go camping. Not tent camping, but nice camping.

BJ begins to groom Maddie for her new position as a rich woman.

Will shows up with the new bed for Maddie—the very expensive one Kate liked. He asks Ben if he will watch Maddie so he and Kate get have a little get-away.

BJ brings in Tommy to meet three ladies she has brought in to see him. They are not exactly the cream of the crop.

Kate comes in and sees Maddie, dressed in camping gear, packing. She informs her mother that she and Ben are going camping as well.

Will just invites them to go with them, since everyone knows it ends in them going anyway. Ben takes them up on it if he and Maddie can camp in the yard behind the cabin.

BJ decides Tommy’s approach to women is all wrong. He needs to hunt them. She confuses him... expertly.

The cabin is beautiful, and Kate is having a nice time, other than the smelly bearskin rug, while out in the yard, Ben is assuring Maddie that camping doesn’t have to be fancy to be fun. He goes outside to move the bear bag he hung, and begins loudly naming each tree, mesmerized by their magnificence in the dark.

Wait… they are full of bats. And they attack. Kate and Will watch out the picture window as the bats take him down.

Kate gets Maddie and puts her into her bed, while Will puts Ben in his. She apologizes for Ben being so odd (crazy). She thinks he is being overprotective… but now they have the house to themselves…

Except Tommy bursts in, and then BJ. As their emergency contacts they’re rushing to check on Ben. Kate hustles them out.

Ben calls to Kate from the bedroom, and she gets up to go, but Will tells her she needs to set boundaries. He says that at some point they’ll get their lives together and leave her alone, but she doesn’t want them to. They are her friends. They picked her up when Maddie’s father left her.

He gets that… but if they’re going to stay together, Will doesn’t want that much crazy in his life.

As Tommy and BJ are walking home, Tommy gets entranced by a dog and fails to notice that his owner is a super cute blonde named Lilah.

Ben comes in to see Kate in the loft, and she tells him she and Will had her first real fight. She tells him it is about the money thing. Ben realizes the loft is too high for Maddie as he crawls in.

The loft falls.