Aziz Ansari Is Doing Stand-Up Again

Aziz Ansari Is Doing Stand-Up Again

It looks likes Master of None star Aziz Ansari may be tip-toeing back into the comedy waters to see if fans forgive him from the accusations of the sexual abuse against him the surfaced at the beginning of the year. Ansari reportedly did a set at a comedy club in New York over the weekend, marking the first time he's emerged professionaly since the controversy began. Many observers defended Ansari during the scandal, instead pointing blame at the journalist who, they say, exaggerated the severity of the claims and unfairly tried to smear Ansari's reputation.

Via Page Six.

Ansari appeared at The Comedy Cellar in Manhattan from Wednesday to Sunday, according to Brooklyn Vegan.

While he wasn’t advertised, the 35-year-old performed during the club’s Mother’s Day show and did several other surprise sets. He reportedly covered a wide range of topics — including millennials, Starbucks and racism.

It’s unclear if his sexual misconduct allegations ever came up.

“I saw Aziz Ansari at the Comedy Cellar last night and if I told people this a year ago they’d be like ‘cool’ but now they’re like ‘oh,'” wrote one Twitter user.

The accusations against Ansari surfaced back in January after an anonymous 23-year-old woman came forward and gave a firsthand account to of what allegedly happened

She claimed the “Master of None’’ star ignored numerous “cues” indicating  she “wasn’t interested” in him following a date they had — and then proceeded to take her clothes off anyway to engage in oral sex.

The woman said Ansari also shoved his fingers down her throat repeatedly, while simultaneously touching her genitals.

Get the rest of the story at Page Six.

Do you think Aziz should be forgiven? Let us know in the comments below.