'The Avengers' to Boast Double the Baddies?

Those who went into "Thor" smartened up by two "Iron Man" movies and "The Incredible Hulk" had an inkling to patiently wait out the credits for what has become a traditional cliffhanger coda.

Oh, and this was a biggie.

Thor's nefarious brother Loki appeared in the scene to establish that sometime in the very near future, he'll be meddling in the Earth Realm to take control over an omnipotent artifact called the Cosmic Cube. According to the known details from the script for 2012's "The Avengers," Loki will be using it to bring the destructive beings known as Skrulls to Earth for a party.

Brace yourself, True Believers, but he might not be working alone.

LatinoReview reports that the film will also mark the debut of Thanos, a villain that first reared his head in "Iron Man" comics in 1973 and whose name is derived from Thanatos, the Greek personification of death and mortality. His powerful Infinity Gauntlet made a cameo at last year's San Diego Comic Con, and showed up again in Odin's vault in "Thor."

Any role Thanos would play in the story is as yet unconfirmed, let alone his actual appearance, since the film is currently in production. But LatinoReview is standing by their sources, and the evidence supporting their story is circumstantial so far but convincing.

"The Avengers" will star Chris Evans as Captain America, Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner/The Hulk, Robert Downey, Jr. in a third turn as Iron Man, Chris Hemsworth making his second appearance as Thor, and Tom Hiddleston returning as Loki. It's set to open May 4, 2012.