Arya (Maisie Williams) Talks 'Game of Thrones,' 'Heatstroke'

Arya (Maisie Williams) Talks 'Game of Thrones,' 'Heatstroke' In an interview with Jennifer Vineyard, "Game of Thrones" actress Maisie Williams, who plays Arya on the hit HBO series, opened up about her new feature film, as well as some of what she would like to see in store for little Arya.

Williams will be appearing in "Heatstroke," her first big-screen picture. In it she plays a spoiled teenager who accompanies her father on a work trip to study hyenas in the bush. When it all goes wrong, Williams' character is on the run, fighting off bad humans, the elements, and dangerous animals.

The film requires her to work closely with hyenas, a great experience but a nerve-wracking one, according to Williams. The animals on the set of "Game of Thrones" seemed more to her liking, however.

"Yeah those are  abit more... domesticated. They were a lot more tame. They were like closer to a pet than the hyenas were."

And speaking of "Game of Thrones" pets, fans of the book were worried when Arya had not yet reunited with her missing wolf Nymeria by the season finale. Arya is supposed to drag her friend out a river - will they still find one another on the show?

"I think people think all the cast members know all the ins and outs of the show, but there are so many questions that even I have for the show... Really, it's up to the writers and producers, but I would love to get to work with the wolves again. I really, really miss that... And for Arya, she's not doing so great at the moment, she's not in a good place. She needs someone to come back who's not going to betray her, and Nymeria is perfect for that."

With canines in mind, what does Williams think about the ending for the Hound? Will he return?

Fans theorize that Arya's companion did not die. Some even say that Syrio Forel is still alive and took the form of Jaquen H'ghar. What does Williams say of those that Arya lost?

"All theories that I hope for, just like everyone else!" says Williams. "I really hope that it's not the end of the Hound. We haven't gotten the scripts for next year, so I honestly don't know what's going to happen, either... If it were up to me... the Hound would be back in a second. And so would Syrio... I think if you haven't seen the dagger in their back, they could still be alive, so I'm hoping they're going to come back."