Arrests Made in 'Game of Thrones' Episode Leak Case

Arrests Made in 'Game of Thrones' Episode Leak Case

Four men have been arrested over the leak that led to the release of Aug. 6 episode of Game of Thrones, three days before its premiere.

The breach, which is unrelated to a major hack that HBO has been dealing with for weeks, was initially pegged to HBO's India distribution partner Star India shortly after the Season 7 Episode 4 hit torrent sites on the morning of Aug. 3.

"We have just learnt from law enforcement agencies about the significant progress made by them into the investigation of the breach ..., including the arrest of ​four​ individuals associated with our technology vendor, Prime Focus Technologies," Star India and Novi Digital said in a statement to The Hollywood Reporter. "This is the first time in the history of Star India that an incident of this nature has occurred. We are deeply grateful to the police for their swift and prompt action. We believe that valuable intellectual property is a critical part of the development of the creative industry and strict enforcement of the law is essential to protecting it."

Read the rest of this article at The Hollywood Reporter.

Game of Thrones stars Kit Harington and Emilia Clarke.