Anne Hathaway Ready to Strip her Clothes Off in 'Love and Other Drugs'

<a href=Love and Other Drugs Movie Still" src="//" style="margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; float: left; width: 400px; height: 233px; " />The 83rd Academy Awards host Anne Hathaway is not afraid to appear naked on screen in fact, she is prepared to strip her clothes off if the role requires nudity

According to the star of the movie “Love and Other Drugs,” She is willing to do what the role requires her to do even if it means taking off her clothes in front of the camera.

Hathaway said, “Doing nudity is really a part of being an actor and you know at some point it might happen. But everyone wants to be respectful of each other and everyone wants each other to feel as comfortable as possible so I think those days have a focus.”

According to her, she depends on her fellow casts to help her prepare for the scene and conquer any discomfort in performing her role.

The Academy Awards host also told, “In this film we really approached it from a very prepared place. We discussed what we wanted to do beforehand and what we were comfortable with, we traded references from other films to establish an index of communicational references that we share. So by the time we came to do the scenes we were very well prepared.”

Meanwhile, during an interview with BBC Hathaway talks about her long delayed project on the life of Judy Garland, one of America’s well-loved entertainers,

The 28-year old actress said, “It’s a very sensitive project and there have been so many stories told about her life that we’re really trying to get it right.  So, we’re taking our time with it. I know it seems like it’s sort of an endless process but it’s very, very slow incremental steps.  I had a meeting about it a couple of weeks ago and we’re all very motivated.”

Planning for the Judy Garland film started in 2009, Hathaway hopes the production will start within the next two years. The film producer Harvey Weinstein said that the film will be based on the New York Times bestseller written by Gerald Clarke,  Get Happy: The Life of Judy Garland.