Ann Curry Doesn't Think Megyn Kelly Is Behaving Like a Journalist

Ann Curry Doesn't Think Megyn Kelly Is Behaving Like a Journalist

Sources say that Megyn Kelly's on-air rant about Jane Fonda on Megyn Kelly Today has NBC News executives worried. Kelly's struggling show was reportedly already having trouble booking guests, and execs fear that it's now going to be even harder to find guests who are willing to risk being the subject of a personal take-down on national TV. Former Today host Ann Curry thinks that Kelly's attack was not the kind of thing that a professional journalist does, but NBC would be wise to remember that the network hired Kelly away from Fox News, where fiery personal assaults are not necessarily off the table.

Via CNN.

Ann Curry is not a fan of Megyn Kelly's clapback at Jane Fonda.

The former "Today" show anchor was a guest on "The View" on Tuesday when talk during a panel discussion turned to Kelly's dustup with Fonda.

The 80-year-old actress appeared on NBC's "Megyn Kelly Today" in September and said recently in an interview that she felt uncomfortable with Kelly's question about her plastic surgery.

Kelly fired back on her show Monday, saying, "I have no regrets about that question, nor am I in the market for a lesson from Jane Fonda on what is and is not appropriate."

Kelly then brought up Fonda's controversial 1972 trip to North Vietnam, where she earned the nickname "Hanoi Jane."

"She put her plastic surgery out there, she said she wanted to discuss the plight of older women in America," Kelly said. "And, honestly, she has no business lecturing anyone on what qualifies as offensive."

"The View" co-host Meghan McCain, whose father John McCain is a US senator and former Vietnam War prisoner of war, and fellow co-host Joy Behar took umbrage with the linking of plastic surgery to the conflict.

Curry chimed in after co-host Sunny Hostin pointed out how rare it is to see a journalist try to defend themselves as Kelly did.

"Journalists are not supposed to be the story," Curry said. "We're supposed to be humble. We're supposed to use what ever time we're given to shine a light on other stories."

"This is not journalism," she added.

Get the rest of the story at CNN.

Do you think Megyn Kelly did the right thing in her rant against Jane Fonda? Let us know in the comments below.