'Animal Practice' Season 1, Episode 7: 'The Two Colemans' Recap

'Animal Practice'  Season 1, Episode 7: 'The Two Colemans' Recap Dorothy is working late. Deep breathing comes over the camera, and a point of view of watching her. The observer creeps closer, frightening Dorothy with a noise. Rizzo leaps out, wearing a Freddy Kreuger mask. Dorothy isn’t impressed—nor is she frightened by Yamamoto, hanging by a noose in her closet.

Jill and George are performing surgery for an excited audience, but argue about which stitch to use when closing up their dog.

It’s the annual Halloween party at the hospital. Angela comes as Little Orphan Annie and Juanita as her Daddy Warbucks. Dorothy comes as a spider. Angela is surprised that dressing her dog, Rascal, with a fin on his head isn’t a shoe-in for the costume contest—seeing how she’s so close with the judge, Dorothy… wink win. Dorothy, however, is offended that Angela thinks she might not be judging the contest without complete integrity.

Jill stirs things up with George by going as—George Coleman, complete with a stuffed monkey on the shoulder.

Dorothy thoughtfully checks on Doug’s roommate situation, which seems to be rather strained. Yamamoto comes in wearing the same costume as Doug, the Lone Ranger. Doug is annoyed—he was supposed to be Tanto.

In the break room, Jill is eating George’s salad—he’s sure of it, despite the fact that Jill insists it is her salad, and that she too uses ginger soy dressing. In fact she keeps a bottle in her office, she loves it so much. George complains to Dorothy but unsurprisingly, she could care less.

Determined to prove that she is lying, he goes to her office to try and find the dressing. Instead he finds a letter of intent—the intent to submit her name as a replacement for him.

Angry, George goes to find Jill’s coveted ostrich patient. Using adorable trick-or-treating Rizzo as a distraction, he tempts it out of the room it is in, and hides it in another.

Dorothy finds her integrity is still at stake when a man named Hubert Queel hints that if his dog wins the costume contest, he will be donating a large sum to the hospital.

Yamamoto shows up, having changed and put on his Tanto costume. Yamamoto feels bad that he is always a sidekick. Doug cheers him up with the benefits of wearing fringe.

Juanita is upset no one can figure out what her costume is. Dorothy confides in her the problem of the cutthroat contest, and Juanita tells her to get the hospital the money.

Jill sees that her ostrich is missing. Dorothy says call security and locks the place down. When George goes to triumphantly “find” it, he only finds that it has escaped. He and Jill arm themselves with tranquilizer guns and take off in a competitive search.

Angela apologizes to Dorothy for questioning her integrity. Doug and Yamamoto, enjoying their costumes, also join in. Rizzo finds the ostrich and leads George and Jill. As he moves in to get it, Jill shoots Coleman in the leg. Coleman retaliates. They go down, and the ostrich escapes.

Angela brings in Rascal in the new costume she made for him, which makes it look like he is 2 dogs holding a pumpkin between them. Meanwhile the ostrich attacks Doug, and Yamamoto saves him, draping the bird with a sheet.

Dorothy gives Angela the award. Everyone is impressed with her integrity.

Coleman and Jill wake slowly. He tells her it’s a compliment that he is threatened by her. She makes him admit that she is just as qualified as her. They agree to work together in a truce.

Dorothy retaliates, later, against Rizzo, popping out in the mask.