Amy Winehouse Toxicology Report: Zero Drugs Involved

Amy Winehouse Toxicology Report: Zero Drugs Involved According to a statement released today by singer Amy Winehouse's family, the official toxicology report has been released, and the recently deceased singer had no drugs in her system the night she died, despite rumors to that effect.

"Toxicology results returned to the Winehouse family by authorities have confirmed that there were no illegal substances in Amy's system at the time of her death," the statement read.

"Results indicate that alcohol was present but it cannot be determined as yet if it played a role in her death."

The release went on to say:

"The family would like to thank the police and coroner for their continuing thorough investigations and for keeping them informed throughout the process. They await the outcome of the inquest in October."

The Metropolitan Police in London said back in July that a forensic post mortem “did not establish a formal cause of death and we await the results of further toxicology tests.”

With nothing present in Amy's bloodstream except for alcohol, then, the question of what exactly killed Amy Winehouse remains a mystery.

Earlier reports speculated that withdrawal from alcohol may have been the problem, but with booze in her system, that seems like an unlikely cause.

Hopefully the results of the October inquest will help clear things up for fans, friends and family.

In other Winehouse news, Mitch Winehouse, Amy's father, is currently battling a cybersquatter, who has made it difficult for him to launch The Amy Winehouse Foundation to help others with substance abuse issues.

Read more about Amy Winehouse's tragic death here.