Amy Schumer Tears Into Bill Cosby's Rape Apologists in Hilarious Sketch

Amy Schumer Tears Into Bill Cosby's Rape Apologists in Hilarious Sketch

In the ongoing scandal with Bill Cosby and his ever-increasing list of rape victims, there are two particularly frustrating elements. One is that Cosby most likely can't face any legal action for his alleged crimes since the statute of limitations has passed.

The other is in how, no matter how many women step forward with detailed stories about how Cosby sexually assaulted them one way or another in the past, painting an undeniable pattern, certain members of the public continue to believe that Cosby is innocent of all of this and that each and every woman accusing him is a liar.

Thank goodness we have Amy Schumer to make even the darkest topics just a little more bearable.

Schumer's latest sketch has her acting as Cosby's lawyer in the "Court of Public Opinion," where she mockingly defends the embattled comedian in ways that don't much matter, legally.

"At this point, Bill Cosby probably can't get in any legal trouble: that's not what this is about," Schumer says in the clip. "This is about us not punishing ourselves for loving great comedy. This is a court of public opinion. Let's remind ourselves of what's at stake here. The next time you put on a rerun of The Cosby Show, you may wince a little, might feel a little pang. And none of us deserve that. We don't deserve to feel that pang. We deserve to dance like no one's watching and watch like no one's raping."

Schumer brilliantly skewers rape culture and the public's tendency to defend famous men despite overwhelming evidence of guilt. Watch the sketch below: