'American Idol' Season 11, Episode 9 'Hollywood Week, Part 2' Recap

'American Idol' Season 11, Episode 9  'Hollywood Week, Part 2' Recap "GROUP NIIIIIIGHT!" yells one of the contestants, as Seacrest promises us that if we weren't properly put off by the exploitation of Symone's nasty fall last night that we certainly will be by the end of tonight, as more potentially serious incidents will also be exploited tonight.

Symone's fine, by the way, she just hasn't eaten for a while and got woozy. Somebody suggests they get her a Coke. Not the best thing for someone with low blood sugar and possible hypoglycemia, but whatever.

Back on the stage, Jeremy goes through while Lauren and Ethan both go home. Ethan was the one with the recovering addict dad, and Lauren was the one who worked with handicapped people. So, bummer for them, since they seemed like not assholes.

Okay, now it's officially GROUP NIIIIIGHT! A big freakin' deal is made about how the contestants have to find someone from day one and day two for their group, which creates a weird kind of high school find a lab partner kind of situation where everyone mills about trying to find a group. Amy, who if you remember is the girl who lives under a tarp in the woods, has the flu so nobody wants her in their group. Others stand up and yell the song they want to sing, which makes them look particularly dumb when they walk around yelling "WHO WANTS TO SING JOY TO THE WORLD OR STUCK LIKE GLUE?" and swearing. That's the way to due it.

Phillip, Heejun and Jairon have made a group and are looking for a fourth, and they find a dude in a cowboy hat, making them officially the most mismatched group ever.

So, 25 minutes in and no one has sung yet. Nice. Finally some people are beginning to rehearse, while a girl named Brianna walks around being a bitch to everyone. So is Alisha, who insists on "Joy to the World" for some reason while the only other remaining people want to do "More Than a Feeling." Here's a tip: if you want people to work with you, don't be an asshole to everyone. She could not possibly be more annoying.

We're looking at Kyle Crews and Shannon Magrane with Brielle, who was in Pia Toscano's group last year. Brielle's mom is standing off to the side and being a bitch about Kyle, insinuating that he's not good enough to sing with her daughter. Possibly worse is Symone's dad, who is clearly in this for himself. "I'm not trying to be a stage dad," he says. "I'm soon to be a famous mentor." Yuck.

MIT, meanwhile (that's the name of Heejun and Phillip's group) is having a problem with its resident cowboy. He insists that he's the only one with music theory experience, and wants to teach some "salsa steps" and line dancing to the boys. Heejun is confused and afraid. He at least has a sense of humor about it. "Now I have a very very bad perspective about cowboys," he says. Cowboy (Richie) seems to be aware that everyone hates him, but unwilling to take any suggestions.

Alisha's group is also, unsurprisingly, having trouble. Christian is clearly very ill, and Alisha can't learn her own song that she was screaming at everyone to sing with her. Another group, The Betties, can't decide when to go to bed. They all argue about whether they should continue practicing past 3:00am, and only two of them stay.

Then, a CLIFFHANGER! Now that we (supposedly) care about The Betties, we (supposedly) care that they're up first, and the episode cuts just short of their first note.

Will they make it through? Will Cowboy and Heejun fight to the death? Will anyone remaining NOT faint? Find out next week!