'American Idol' Season 11, Episode 13 Recap - 'Final Judgement, Part 2'

'American Idol' Season 11, Episode 13 Recap - 'Final Judgement, Part 2' "TONIGHT," says Seacrest, "your top 24 will be complete!" He sounds like a chipper version of Emperor Palpatine, getting excited about Luke's journey toward the dark side. Sorry, "Star Wars" was on TV earlier.

On the whiny bitch scale, Adam Brock manages to outdo even Luke Skywalker as he blubbers "I have to sing... it's where my joy comes from." No mention of his baby daughter. Apparently he loves the sound of his own singing voice more.

I'm not sure, but I think Steven just said the words "I love to watch a man cry." He sends Adam through, and Adam hits the floor and cries an octave higher. JLo is crying too, or at least pretending too. Adam shows them a picture of his daughter. Oh, so NOW you're thinking about her? He calls his wife, and he manages to squeal more than his wife does.

Here's the rest of the folks who made it through:

Jeremy Rosado - Jeremy's performance is more of what we've seen from him thus far: light, airy, but well controlled. The excitement from the judges as he performs is a pretty clear indication of their decision. JLo bounces. He hasn't impressed me so far, but this performance was actually pretty strong.

Shannon Magrane - Shannon is somehow never dressed in flattering way, despite the team of stylists. Oh well, she can sing. We also finally got the reaction from Shannon's father about Steven's wildly inappropriate comment about his daughter, which can best be described as quiet rage covered with a pleasant smile.

Skylar Laine - Skylar was worried that the judges wouldn't send two country singers through, because apparently she forgot that last year's final was two country singers.

Hallie Day - Hallie hasn't gotten much attention since the original auditions, but consistency counts for something, even if you're not having any crying breakdowns.

Chase Likens -  Another country boy, and another contestant who hasn't been featured much since the early auditions. Will that hurt his votes starting next week?

Aaron Marcellus - This is Aaron's second year, so it's nice that he got through. Whether or not he makes it any farther remains to be seen.

Deandre Brackensick - Deandre continued to do his Aaron Nevill/Prince thing. It is impressive? Yeah, kinda. Will it get people to vote for him? Not so sure.

Holly Cavanaugh - Holly got her results with Shelby and Ariel by her side, which is awkward and kinda cruel to the other too. Kinda kills the celebrations with the parents, too.

Eban Frankewicz. - David and Eban were the last ones to go in, making it even more cruel that they had to go in together. Of the two babyfaced kids, Eban was the one to go through, which surprises me a bit. David was a better performer, but maybe not as good a singer.

The ones we saw who didn't go through included Scott Dangerfield, Jermaine Jones (who had a pretty epic breakdown), Ariel Sprague, Shelby Tweeten, Holly Cavanaugh, and David Leathers, Jr.

So the top 24 is decided and we get to watch them all dance with joy in front of a banner. Awkward. And, a SHOCKING TWIST! The judges pulled an "X Factor" and decided to reinstate one of the guys, so either Jermaine, Johnny, David or Richie will be back in on Tuesday. Please, please, please don't let it be Richie.