'American Idol': Meet the Girls of the Top 24 (Part 1)

'American Idol': Meet the Girls of the Top 24 (Part 1) After much begging, sobbing and way more fainting than there should have been, the Top 24 has been decided for season 11 of "American Idol."

That includes 12 very talented girls (and an obnoxious stage mom or two), in styles ranging from soul to pop to country. You may have missed out on some of these girls, especially because a few didn't get a whole lot of screen time at the start. So if you want to get to know them, we have you covered.

Here are the first six of the 12 girls who made it to the semis:

Baylie Brown
Brielle Von Hugel
Chelsea Sorrell
Elise Testone
Erika Van Pelt
Haley Johnsen

There are a couple of country girls on this list, but only a few overall. There are, however, a lot of blondes that sort of blend together... it will be interesting to see if they can differentiate themselves to stand out to viewers.

Check out the interviews with these six below, and be sure to meet the rest of the girls and get to know the guys too!